SAP SIEMENS ABAP Document- Part1
                SAP SIEMENS ABAP Document- Part2
                SAP SIEMENS ABAP Document- Part3
                SAP SIEMENS ABAP Document- Part4
                SAP SIEMENS ABAP Document- Part5


ABAP Book  - Reports 

ABAP Book - BDCs

ABAP Book  - Scripts


We present the place and role of the Web Dynpro within the SAP NetWeaver platform. So, we start with the layers of the SAP NetWeaver platform, we continue with the importance of the Application Platform layer, and we conclude with the place and role of Web Dynpro (ABAP and Java) within the Application Server ABAP and, respective, Application Server Java.

As we can see, four layers are distinguished in this context: Application Platform, Process Integration, Information Integration and People Integration.

The Application Platform represents the technical basis of almost all the other SAP products. This is the reason why the Application Platform plays a central role in the SAP NetWeaver.

The Application Platform essentially offers two programming interfaces: ABAP and Java (J2EE). ABAP is the programming interface for Application Server (AS) ABAP and Java is the programming interface for AS Java.

To create ABAP and Java applications, we have two independent development environments: ABAP Workbench for ABAP and SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio for Java.

Both development environments offer the possibility to create web based applications built by using declarative programming techniques based on the Model View Controller (MVC) paradigm.

SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is the SAP’s own development environment used to develop Java-based multilayer business applications. This development environment is based on Eclipse and offers a Web Dynpro Perspective to create Web Dynpro Java applications.

All the tools we need to create Web Dynpro Java applications are found within the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. 

SAP NetWeaver components (SAP)

SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio–Web Dynpro perspective

ABAP Workbench is the SAP’s own development environment used to develop ABAP-based multilayer business applications. This development environment offers Web Dynpro Explorer to create Web Dynpro ABAP components

ABAP Workbench–Web Dynpro Explorer
The Application Server ABAP has the structure presented.
As we can see, most of the AS ABAP components can be divided into three layers:
  • Presentation layer
  • Business layer
  • Persistence layer
Web Dynpro ABAP is part of the presentation layer and it’s the SAP standard UI technology used for developing web business applications without knowing HTML or JavaScript.
Web Dynpro ABAP offers many advantages, as follows:
  • Strict separation between the layout and business data
  • Re-use and better maintainability through reusability.
  • Automatic input checks.
  • Automatic data transport, using data binding.
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) view editor.
Web Dynpro ABAP and Web Dynpro Java mostly offer the same functionalities. But, of course, there are some differences between them, for example:
  • Web Dynpro Java, unlike the Web Dynpro ABAP, disposes of a ViewSet that allows us to integrate in a Screen more Views, by using certain pre-defined layouts. In this respect, their common part is the View Container UI Element.
  • Web Dynpro Java offers graphical tools that ease the programming work, as:Navigation Manager and Diagram View, unlike the Web Dynpro ABAP where we dispose only of a tool used to visualize and to define the window structure.
The Web Dynpro ABAP is what the current book is about. More information about Web Dynpro Java can be found in the Book Inside Web Dynpro for Java by Chris Whealy.

Abstract This chapter presents the SAP Easy Access, highlighting some aspects found in our everyday work. So, we show how to change the standard settings, how to add in the Favorites list the frequently used transactions, and how to create a Shortcut on the Desktop.
SAP easy access starts automatically after logging-in into the SAP system. In the left side, we can see the user menu. Here are the functions the user needs to perform his tasks.

Changing the SAP Easy Access

U.Gellert and A.D.Cristea,Web Dynpro ABAP for Practitioners,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-11385-7_2, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

We can change the SAP easy access settings through the menu Extras -> Settings,
by specifying settings as follows:
  • The place of the Favorites
  • The presents of the menu
  • The easy access picture in the right side of the screen – to be present or not
  • Displays or not the technical names

Favorites List
The user menu is mostly defined by the administrator, but we can define our own Favorites list. Here, we can create our own list of favorites containing items as transaction, files, web addresses or other objects.
To add new transactions in the Favorite list, we can choose from the menu Favorites ->Insert Transactions
Inserting transaction onto the Favorites list
As a result, the new item appears in our Favorites list
Favorites list
We can find the list of the SAP transaction codes in the transparent table TSTC. Besides the transactions predefined in the system, we can create our own transactions (e.g. with transaction SE93) which are going to be inserted in this table.
Every time we use a transaction, the system verifies in this table whether the transaction exists and if we have the proper authorization to use it.
As support for our daily tasks, we add here some of the transactions we use in this book
Transactions used
To add other objects, we can choose them from the menu Favorites ! Add Other Objects
Adding new objects in Favorites list
We add the web address to open the SDN page
Inserting a web address

We can use Favorites -> Download to PC to save on our computer a list with all the objects we have in the Favorites folder. To upload in a Favorites folder objects from a list saved on our computer, we can use Favorites -> Upload from PC.

Setting a Transaction as Start Transaction
We have the possibility to set a transaction as start transaction:Extras -> Set start transaction .In this way, the desired transaction is automatically started after logging-in into the system (in our case the SE80 transaction), and we don’t see the SAP easy access anymore. saved on our computer, we can use Favorites -> Upload from PC.
Setting the start transaction dialog box

Creating a Shortcut

After installing the SAP GUI, a SAP logon icon appears on our desktop. By using this logon, we can login into the system. Additionally, we can create a SAP logon shortcut to be used to perform the same logon, but we don’t need to fill all the entries in the logon form. A SAP shortcut allows us not only to perform a logon into the system, but to execute other commands, too. So, we can start a SAP transaction, run a report or perform a system command.
To create a SAP Shortcut on our desktop to start the transaction SE80, we can use the Wizard available in the layout menu, by clicking on the respective icon located in the system function bar.
Creating a SAP Shortcut on our Desktop
Another possibility to create a SAP shortcut on our desktop is to select a transaction or another object from the Favorites list, and to use the menu Edit -> Create Shortcut on the Desktop.

Designing a Web Dynpro Component

Abstract The present chapter is dedicated to the constitutive elements of a Web Dynpro ABAP component. Moreover, we show how to use the ABAP Debugger to execute, by line or by section, a Web Dynpro application, and how to use the new tool offered by ABAP Debugger to reach the context attributes values.
In order to develop a Web Dynpro ABAP component, we have to open the ABAP Workbench of the Application Server ABAP.To work with ABAP Workbench, we need an authorization as a developer or developer key, and for the SAP NetWeaver ABAP trial version we can use BCUSER, automatically registered as a developer.Web Dynpro is available with release SAP NetWeaver 2004s and later. After logging into AS ABAP, we can use the transaction SE80 to call the object navigator.
Object navigator
All the repository objects we develop with the ABAP Workbench tool we build by using the Object Navigator. Here, we develop not only Web Dynpro applications,but also other development objects (e.g.reports,database tables, data elements,classes, function modules, etc).
The development objects we create as customer have the first letter “y” or “z”. Therefore, we created a Web Dynpro component with the name y_wd_component.
We have to assign all the development objects created with ABAP Workbench to a package. We can use the default package “$TMP” to create test programs without transporting, or we can create our own packages. We choose to create our own package, named Y_WEBDYNPRO.
Creating the package Y_WEBDYNPRO
We have chosen the package type “Not a Main Package”, because this package holds development object and not other packages.
After creating the package, we create a Web Dynpro component, as follows:
right-click on the package name and, from the context menu, we select Create -> Web Dynpro -> Web Dynpro component. We have to enter the component name, a short description, the type we want to create, the view name and the window name
Creating a Web Dynpro component
After saving our component, we have to assign it to our package
Assigning the component to a package
As a result, in Object Navigator we can see the Package Y_WEBDYNPRO and our first created Web Dynpro Component.
The content of our package
The name of the development objects marked in blue are not active. After creating the Web Dynpro component, we have to activate it.
WD component activation
Each Web Dynpro application has at least one view. Each View has a view Layout, where we can add different UI (User Interface) elements that can be nested one in the other one, to create the screen. The positioning of the UI elements in a view is realized by using the layout and data layout.
Each View has a view controller that is automatically created for this view and each View has several tabs (Properties, Layout, Outbound Plug, Inbound Plug, Attributes, Context, Actions and Methods). This indicates that a View consist of many parts.
View Layout.
The screen content of a view is designed in the Layout tab. The View Layout is divided in three areas:
  • UI element library
  • View designer
  • Context menus, UI elements properties and UI element hierarchy.
View Layout

the UI Elements are grouped in a library to be accessed via the View Layout. We have several ways to add an UI element into the view layout. For example:
  • By right-clicking on the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER
  • By dragging & dropping
Adding UI elements into the view
All the UI Elements we enter into a screen are children of the node ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER and are represented as a hierarchy where ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER is the top of this hierarchy. With “Swap Root Element” we have the possibility to transform ROOTUIELEMENETCONTAINER from a Transparent Container into another UI element (Table, FlashIsland, Group, etc.).
In this way, we can use, for example, the FlashIsland UI element to integrate Adobe Flex into our web Dynpro component. This transformation is possible only if the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER doesn’t have any child UI elements.
Adding UI elements into the view
In our ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER, we insert one Group UI element, one InputField UI element, one Label UI element, one TextView UI element and one Button UI element
View Layout
If we select individual UI elements in the layout of a view, their properties are displayed in the Properties area. In this way, we can change the properties of each element. For example, we have changed the property design of the button UI element and the property state of the InputField UI element.
As a result of changing the property state of the InputField UI element from the Normal item to the required one, the label associated to this UI element becomes a red star and the end user knows that this value is mandatory.
For a property, we can create fixed character strings, we can choose from a list, or we can bind properties to context nodes or attributes by using the Binding button. For the text property of an UI element Button, we have created a fixed character string “Save”. For the design property, we have chosen from the list one of the supported designs.
UI element properties
We need to bind the value property of the InputField UI element and the text property of the TextView UI element. To be able to do this, we will create two context attributes
By using “Context Menus” we have the possibility to create, for an application, our own context menus displayed in the Browser when the user presses right click on an UI element. In standard mode, the web Dynpro Framework offers the default context menus with certain functionalities, e.g. hiding an UI element displayed into the Browser. After running the application, we can test this standard mode by rightclicking on the inputField UI element.
Context View
The data are stored in the context and the UI Elements are the only objects the user interacts with. Every View has a Context View where we can create context nodes and attributes. Via data binding, the context of a view controller provides a view with all the required data. For our application, we create two context attributes named NAME and GREETING, of STRING type.
To put the data on the screen and to read data from user, we connect the proper UI Elements properties with attributes or nodes.
In our case, we connect the property value of the InputField UI element with the NAME attribute. To create a greeting for the user and to show it after the user presses the Save button, we connect the property text of the TextView UI element with the GREETING attribute. These connections are known as data binding.
Creating an attribute in context view
Data binding
The effect of the binding is that, at runtime, any data changes are transported in both directions and these changes affect all the properties bound to this element.
Some of the UI Elements have special events that are linked with the user actions. The UI element Button is one of these UI elements and that’s why we have to create an action that reacts to the user interaction. To do this, we use the Action tab.
Creating an action
As we can see, each action has a corresponding event handler method, automatically generated by the Framework. An event handler method is a special method of a view controller that has the ONACTION prefix followed by the action name. For the SAVE action, the Framework generates the ONACTION event handler. After creating an action, we can assign it to an UI element that has attached an event.
Assigning an action to an UI element
After generation, this method is empty, but we can fill it with source code by using the Methods tab.
In the Methods tab of a View, we can find some types of methods (e.g. event handler methods, Hook methods, user-defined instance methods).
In our case, in the Methods tab we can find the Hook methods, automatically generated by the Framework, and our event handler method ONACTIONSAVE
Methods tab
With double-click on the method name, we open the ABAP editor.In this way, we can insert the source code.
ABAP editor
The user enters his name that we use to show a greeting message with the help of textView UI element. To create a greeting for the end user, we concatenate his name with the string “WELCOME” and we pass this string value in the GREETING attribute. After this, we reset the inputField UI element. To do this, we pass an empty string into the NAME attribute bound to the corresponding UI element
On action save event handler method
 METHOD onactionsave .
 DATA: lv_name TYPE string,
 lv_greeting TYPE string.
 name = `NAME`
 value = lv_name).
 lv_name INTO lv_greeting SEPARATED BY space.
 wd_context->set_attribute(name = 'GREETING'
 value = lv_greeting).
 CLEAR lv_name.
 wd_context->set_attribute(name = 'NAME'
 value = lv_name).
In the Properties tab, we can create a description text for our view, we have information about the view and about the person who created and changed this view. In this tab, we can set the view lifetime:
  • Framework controlled – controlled by Framework
  • When visible – lifetime limited to its visibility. A view controller is always deleted as soon as the corresponding view is no longer displayed on the user interface. It is used when a view is displayed only once and not repeatedly.
Additionally, Property tab offers the possibility to define the usages .
Properties view
We can define a usage to be able to access the methods of another internal controller or of an interface controller, if the usage has been defined for an external component. To create a new usage in the Used Controller/Components table, we have to choose the Button Create Controller Usage. The table Used Controller/ Components includes a list with all the global controllers of our own component and, in case we define usages, this list includes the external component and its interface controller.
In our case, we don’t use any external components. In the list we have only the global controller COMPONENTCONTROLLER. We have to specify that, for each view controller, the usage of the corresponding component controller is automatically created.
Each View controller contains some attributes automatically generated by the Framework
Attributes tab
The attribute WD_COMP_CONTROLLER is a reference variable of IG_ COMPONENTCONTROLLER type that we can use to access all the publicly accessible methods of the component global generated interface of the corresponding component controller.
The attribute WD_THIS is a self-reference to local controller interface. This self-reference works similarly with the self-reference me found in the ABAP Objects. We can use it, for example, to call a user-defined method.
The attribute WD_CONTEXT is a reference to the controller context. The IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE interface provides several methods that enable us to obtain read and write access to a context node.
Additionally, we can create our own attributes. These attributes are used to store application data that are not relevant for the UI elements and we don’t store in the context. To access these attributes, we use the self-reference: wd_this -> attribute_name
By default, every Web Dynpro component has a component controller that acts as the central controller instance within the entire component
Component controller
Data required across different views can be stored in his context. Besides the Context tab, each COMPONENTCONTROLLER disposes of tabs: Properties, Attributes, Events and Methods. Hereunder, in our examples, we will see how we can cross-component access the methods and the attributes defined here.
A Window is an entity into which we embed all the views that will be used to construct the screen for the end user. When the user interacts with a view, theirinteraction will cause a request to the server. In response, one or more views that build the current screen will require to be replaced with other views. This is possiblethrough navigation links among the various views in the window.
Each Web Dynpro component can have several Windows. We have created only one Window, named W_default.
A view or several Views are generally embedded in a Window. The first view created at the WD component creation is directly embedded into the Window. To embed other views in a Window, we can use dragging & dropping or right-clicking on the window name to choose between embedding an empty view or the View we have created. The Empty View is a special type of View, presented in the View- ContainerUIElement example.
In every window, at least one view is marked as default. A default view is the first view displayed when the window is called. The first embedded view is marked as default, but we can change it. To mark as default, after right-clicking on the view we choose Set as default from the contextual menu.
Embed View
By using Inbound plugs and Outbound plugs, we define the navigation between views or windows. For a Window, these plugs can be of Standard, Startup or Resume type. As we can see, the Framework generates for each window an inbound plug of Startup type and an event handler method .By using this event handler method, we can read, for example, the URL parameters from a Web Dynpro application.
Default inbound plug for a window
For a View, we don’t have the possibility to define a specific plug type.
After developing a Web Dynpro component, we need to provide the users with access to its functionality. To do this, we have to create a Web Dynpro Application.
Creating an application
For each application, the Framework generates an URL. We find this URL in the Properties tab.
Application URL
In the same time, we can specify here how the Messages are handled:
  • l Show Message Component on demand – the Message Component is displayed only when we have a message.
  • Always Display Message Component – the Message Component is always displayed on the screen, even when we don’t have any messages.
By using the Parameters tab, we can define our own parameters for the application or we can choose from the parameters offered by the Web Dynpro Framework.
Application parameters list
To run the application, we can use the Execute button or we can copy and past the URL into the browser.
Running the application
When the user interacts with the screen, specific adapter techniques are used to convert data and events, as part of the request response cycle, into the browser format as HTML, JavaScript or XML. In Fig., we can see the generated source code for our WD component.
Generated source file
ABAP Debugger
If any errors occur in our Web Dynpro components, we can use the ABAP Debugger to execute our WD component, by line or by section.
To work with the debugger, we can create Breakpoints at the point where the program should pause
Setting a Breakpoint
We run the application and, in the moment when the program flow reached the defined breakpoint, the ABAP Debugger is open
ABAP Debugger
As we can see in the Process Information, the main component of the ABAP Debugger, we debug an HTTP application. The “Exclusive” represents the fact that the application we debug occupies a work process of the application server.
By using the Buttons from the Control Area, we can control the program flow. For Example,We can choose to execute the program line by line-single step or to execute the program up to the next Breakpoint.Continue.
We can use the ABAP Debugger tools to have information about the variable
Tool Component of the ABAP Debugger
By using the New Tool Button,We can open a selection window that offers the possibility to access additional functionalities. In the Special Tools section, we can find the created tool, to be used for a better debugging of the Web Dynpro components.
ABAP Debugger – New tool selection window
As we can see in, we are offered the possibility to have access to all the individual elements of the Web Dynpro component; we can see the view attributes, the view layout, the UI elements and data binding, the context structure and its attributes, etc.
The ABAP debugger – web Dynpro ABAP tool
We are able to see not only the context structure, but also to display the runtime object, by choosing from the contextual menu Display Runtime Object.
Displaying the runtime object
These are only some of the ABAP Debugger capabilities that can be used along with other performance tools (for example, the transactions WD_TRACE_TOOLS, S_MEMORY_INSPECTOR), to help us to develop Web Dynpro applications.
Web Dynpro Logon Page Configuration
As we have seen, a logon page appears when running our application, where we have to provide some values, as follows: Logon Language, Client, User Password, etc.
Example of a webDynpro application log on page
We can change the modality this logon page looks like and the modality we realize the user authentication, by using the SICF transaction (HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance). In the webdynpro ! sap hierarchy, each Web Dynpro application disposes of one corresponding entry.
By using this transaction, we search for all the entries that begin with Y_WD_* and are created by our test user Gellert.
Searching for a service with the SICF transaction
We find the entry that corresponds to our created Web Dynpro component.
Entry corresponding to our Web Dynpro component
With double-click, we are allowed to view or/and to change this service. In the lower part of the Error Page tab, we can find the Configuration button for the system logon. Here, we can define our own settings by choosing from the lists, or we can use the global settings.
System logon configuration
As a result of our changes, in the logon page we have to provide only the User and the Password, through a popup window, and we are able to change our logon password.
Logon page


Abstract The following section details and describes the ABAP Dictionary.The main purpose of this chapter is to show how to realize all the development objects to be used in the future Web Dynpro applications.Therefore,we present not only the modality to create the various development objects in the ABAP Dictionary, but also the modality to use them in realizing Web Dynpro applications.
We can create development objects in ABAP Dictionary,by using the transaction SE11(ABAP Dictionary Maintenance) or the Object Navigator.
Development object with transaction SE11
ABAP programming language has a number of ten elementary data types that we can use in our programs. When we want to create global data types by using the ABAP Dictionary, we have to use dictionary built-in types. These predefined types are different from the elementary data types. We need them for reasons of compatibility with the external data types.
In this we presented some of the ABAP Dictionary Built-In types and a few corresponding examples of Dictionary built-in data types and ABAPelementary types.
Some of ABAP Dictionary Built-In types and corresponding ABAP elementary types
Data Element
A data element defines an elementary data type and has certain properties. We create a data element YDATEOFBIRTH
Definition of a data element
In the “Data Type” tab we can choose between the elementary type and reference type. The elementary type can be a domain and a build-in type. In this case, we have chosen the build-in type DATS that has a predefined format (YYYYMMDD) and a predefined length 8.
In the tab “Field Label”, we can set a field label that is automatically shown in the label, or caption of an UI Element that is bound to an attribute of this type.
For a data element, we can create documentation F1 Help with Goto -> Documentation -> Change. This documentation is not seen on screen if the Web Dynpro application attribute WDHIDEMOREFIELDHELPASDEFAULT was set as ABAP_TRUE. We create a text that describes the content of our data element.
Creating a F1 help for a data element
A domain defines a value range.To be able to use it in a Web Dynpro application,in other repository object, as parameter in GUI programming,etc.we have to assign it to a data element
Data elements and domains
We create a domain named Y_COUNTRY_DOMAIN that holds all the names of EU member states, with the proper abbreviation. In “Definition” tab we have to specify properties as data type, number of characters or length of output
Definition of a domain – tab “Definition”
In “Value Range” we have three possibilities:
  • Single values
  • Intervals
  • Value table
We begin with the first possibility, “Single values”. We define the domain fixed values – all the abbreviations of the EU countries, and a short text – the corresponding country names.
Definition of a domain – tab “Value Range”
As we have specified, to be able to use a domain we have to assign it to a data element. To do this, we create a new data element and we choose the elementary type – domain.
Assigning a domain to a data element
When we use this data element in our Web Dynpro application, for example to define a parameter or a context attribute, the user is allowed to choose only the values that range among values we have defined in Domain.
To explain the next possibility (“Intervals”), we take an example where we need to store, in a table column, the ages between 18 and 45. In this case, we can use an interval to limit the values that the user may enter.
Definition of a domain – interval
We use this interval in the database table YPERSON, defined hereinafter. For this, we assign it to a data element Y_DEINTERVAL.
To explain the last possibility (“Value Table”), we use a domain that is defined in the system: WAERS.
Domain WAERS – value table
It is recommendable to use the value table when we have many fixed values. In our case, we have used the system table TCURC. This table holds all the system currency.
We use this value table in the database table YEU_COUNTRIES, defined hereunder. For this, we assign it to a data element Y_CURRENCY.
Structures consist of any combination of other data types of the ABAP Dictionary.In fig. we present a structure with three components: FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME and DATEOFBIRTH.
Definition of a structure
For each component it is defined a component type, as follows: a data element,other structure, table type, etc.
As a component type for a structure, we can choose a type that is already defined in the ABAP Dictionary, or we can create a new type. For example, the component DATEOFBIRTH has YDATEOFBIRTH data type. This data type has been already defined.
If we want to create a new type for a component, we have to enter its name (for example, YFIRSTNAME) and then, with double-click, we can choose the new type.
Creating a new component type
After we create a structure, we have to maintain the enhancement category: Extras ! Enhancement Category, from the menu. In case we don’t want to further extend the component structure, we choose “Cannot be Enhanced”.
Maintaining enhancement category
We can use the structures defined in ABAP Dictionary to create the context node structure for a Web Dynpro application.
We create two transparent tables, YPERSON and YEU_COUNTRIES. We will use this table later, for our Web Dynpro example.
In the YPERSON table, we want to store the competition candidates. All the candidates should be 18–45 years old and live in an EU country. After creating the table, we have to enter a short description along with the delivery and maintenance
Table maintenance
We set “Data Browser/Table View Main” ! Display/Maintenance Allowed, to be able to populate our table with values, using “Create Entries”, from the menu.
Then, we will define our table structure. To do this, we select the tab “Fields” and enter the table columns For the fields MANDT and ID_PERSON, we have marked the option “Key”, meaning they are the table keys. The field MANDT is the SAP client field, a three-character client ID. The field “ID_PERSON” represents the candidate’s ID, required to uniquely identify each competition candidate.
Table structure
As can be seen, we have used the data elements created hereinbefore: YFIRSTNAME, YLASTNAME, Y_DEINTERVAL, Y_DEFORDOMAIN. When we want to create a new data element, we write its name and, with double-click, we activate the forward navigation. If this data element doesn’t exist, we are asked if we want to create the new data element.
Creating a data element
Before being able to activate this table, we have to maintain the technical settings
How to maintain the technical settings for the table YPERSON

We choose a size category 0, because we don’t require many data records. We have to maintain the enhancement category: Extras -> Enhancement Category, from the Menu. We choose the same “Cannot be Enhanced”, because we shouldn’t further extend the table structure. After this, we can activate our table and create the second table YEU_COUNTRIES.
We hold here all the EU Member states information, as follows: country name, year of EU entry, political system, capital city, currency and the flag image name. The structure of this table is presented.
Table structure
After this, we have to define a foreign key for the field CHECK_CUR. For this purpose, we use the button “Foreign Keys”. We are asked if we want to use the value table TCURC as check table.
How to create foreign key
We need TCUC as a check table, because we want to use its table contents, respectively the Currency Codes.
Currency codes
After we maintain the Technical settings and enhancement category, we can activate the same as for the table YPERSON.
The candidates can live only in an EU country. Therefore, we create a 1 to CN relationship between the tables.
From the table YPERSON field ID_COUNTRY, we create a foreign key.
How to create a foreign key
The system can generate the graphical representation of the relationships we have defined between tables. To show this graph,we use the Button “Graph”.
Foreign key relation ship
We can see our tables YEU_COUNTRIES, YPERSON and the 1:CN relationship.
The table TCUC is the check table for the table YEU_COUNTRIES. To see this relationship also, we have to select the name of YEU_COUNTRIES table and to press the Button “Check Table”.
Foreign key relation ship
We can create contents withUtilities --> Table content --> Create Entries from Menu
Insert – table YEU_COUNTRIES
To display the content: Utilities --> Table content --> Display from Menu.
Select – table YEU_COUNTRIES
We can use the transparent tables defined in the ABAP Dictionary to create the context node structure for a Web Dynpro application.
Search Help
ABAP Dictionary offers the possibility to create simple search help and collective search help. To create a search help, we can use the context menu of our package.
Creating a development object in the ABAP Dictionary by using the Object Navigator
We create a simple search help YSH_ID_PERSON for the column ID_PERSON of the table YPERSON
Creating a simple search help

As can be seen at Data collection ! Selection method, we have used the table name YPERSON. This means that all the data required come from our table YPERSON. A search help can have the following parameters: “import parameters”, “export parameters” or “no import” and “no export”. We have used ID_PERSON as export parameter, because we want its value to be returned to the input template. LPos represents the parameter position in the hit list: FIRSTNAME has the position 1 and it is firstly displayed in the hit list, and LASTNAME has the position 2, being displayed after the FIRSTNAME.
Testing a search help
Afterwards, we want to use this search help in a Web Dynpro application. We create a search option for a competitor. The user has to enter the competitor’s ID into a search mask. The list of IDs is limited to the number of competitors. When the user doesn’t know the competitor’s ID, he uses the search help and can choose the competitor’s name. The content of the ID_PERSON parameter is returned to the search mask as soon as the user has selected a line of the hit list in the input help. In this way, we facilitate the input.
We can use this search help if we link it with the ID_PERSON column of the YPERSON table. To do this, we select the column ID_PERSON and press the button “Srch Help”.
Search Help for the field ID_PERSON
After we enter the search help name, we have to create the search help attachment, and to save and activate the table
How to create search help attachment to the column ID_PERSON
In this way, we have created a simple search help for the column ID_PERSON of the table YPERSON. When we use this column in Web Dynpro, the Framework creates a special icon to be used at the runtime to call the input help. Moreover, we can use the keyboard key F4 to call an input help.
To be able to access a search help from a WD component, the proper Input Help Mode context attribute property has to be set (“Automatic” or “Dictionary Search Help”).
Database View
By using a view, we can combine the data distributed in several tables. For a better understanding, we create a view on the tables YPERSON and YEU_COUNTRIES. When we create a view, we can choose one of the four view types.
View  types
We choose to create a database view named YVIEW_CMPETITION. At the beginning of the “view definition”, we have to select the view base table (in ourcase, the table YPERSON.After the base table definition, we link this table by defining the joining conditions. To create this link, we use the button “Relationships”.
Creating a view
Joining conditions
In the next step, we have to select the fields we need in our view. We can enter each field manually or we can use the Button “Table fields”.
View fields
After activation, we can see our view content using the “Contents Button”.
View content
In this way, we have created a database view on the tables YPERSON and YEU_COMPETITION.
View definition on the database
By using this view, we can create the context node structure for our Web Dynpro application and so we simultaneously select the logically connected data, from two tables.
Table Type
We create a table type named YTABLE_TYPE, the line type being our YPERSON table
Creating a table type
For the line type, we can use an existing type (table, structure, view, . . .) or we can enter the data type, length and number of decimals. The typical use of table type is the declaration of an internal table.
Another example of using table type is to populate with values a context node via a supply function. To be able to do this, we create a table type named YTABLE_ TYPE_STRUCTURE with the line type – the structure YSTR_PERSON.
Table type – line type structure
In the next chapter, we show how we can use this table type to populate a context node.
Lock Object
We create a Lock Object for the database table YPERSON. The lock object name has to begin with the prefix E (from “Enqueue”).
Lock object
Our case consists of exactly one table, and the lock argument is the primary key of this table. The lock mode is set to write, but can be overwritten.
After the lock object activation, the ABAP Dictionary generates two Function Modules, named ENQUEUE_ and DEQUEUE_. The Function Modules with enqueue prefix help us to set a lock, and the Function Modules with dequeue prefix help us to release the locks.
With the SE37 transaction we can see the two generated Function Modules: ENQUEUE_EYPERSON and DEQUEUE_EYPERSON. Figure shows the structure of the Function Module required to set a lock.
Function Module for lock setting
SAP offers a lock mechanism required to provide two transactions by simultaneously changing the same data in the database. The lock table represents a table in the memory of the enqueue server and is used to manage all the locks in the system. This lock table is checked every time when the enqueue server receives a lock request. A program sends, to the lock table, the key of the table entries it wants to lock; if no lock is set, the request is accepted and the new lock is written in the lock table. If a lock is set, the request collides with an existing lock and the request is rejected.

Context Nodes and Attributes at Design Time

This chapter mainly focuses on the context nodes and attributes statically realized at design time. In this respect, we will explain not only the role and modality to create context nodes and attributes, but also the modality to access the values stored in the attributes of the nodes.
An attribute is a context entity that has certain properties and can be directly created in the root node CONTEXT, or as a child for another node. Usually, a node is used to group more attributes that belong together. In Fig.  we present a context example created in a view context.
A context node can have attributes or can hold other nodes, but a context attribute cannot have other attributes or nodes. We create a hierarchical arrangement that has, as the start point, the root node CONTEXT. This is automatically created when the controller is initialized and all the nodes and attributes we created are children of this root node.
Example of the structure of a View Context
The data hold in the context nodes and attributes are transient, they exist only for the lifetime of the controller. After this, all the data are lost if we don’t store them in storage media (e.g. database table).
To create an attribute, we have to select the node where the attribute should be inserted (in this case, the root context node) and, with right-click, to open its context menu.
Creating an attribute
We have to enter the attribute properties – name and type are required, but the other settings are optional.
Defining the attribute properties

As data type for an attribute, we can use a data type as string, xstring, d,i or we can use the data type defined in the ABAP Dictionary. In our example,the attribute type YDATEOFBIRTH is a data element defined in the ABAP Dictionary. In the system, we find a list with all the data types we can use for an attribute. The coding presented in Listing shows how we can access, in a method, the value of the attribute created in the context node.
Searching for an attribute data type
Access of an attribute from context node
 DATA lv_dateofbirth type ydateofbirth.
 wd_context->get_attribute(EXPORTING name ='DATEOFBIRTH'
 IMPORTING value = lv_dateofbirth).
We have defined a local variable named lv_dateofbirth of YDATEOFBIRTH type, the same type as the attribute. We pass the value of the attribute DATEOFBIRTH in our local variable, by using the method get_attribute of the interface if_wd_context_node. The interface if_wd_context_node has many methods we can use to work with context nodes. We can see all the available methods of this interface by double-clicking on the get_attribute method. To set the value of an attribute, we can use the method set_attribute of the same interface.
As can be seen in Fig, the property Input Help Mode of the attribute is set AUTOMATIC. This means that it is used the search help assigned to the data type of the context attribute in the ABAP Dictionary. In principle, we have a data element of D type. This is the reason why we will have a CALENDAR as input help
Calendar input help
The read-only property set “no” means that the attribute is not write- protected. To put data on the screen and to read data from user, we connect the proper UI Elements properties with the attributes or nodes. The data are stored in the attributes, the UI Elements being the only object the user interacts with. For our example, we have an UI Element InputField where the user enters his date of birth. Web Dynpro Framework transports these data from the UI element to the attribute DATEOFBIRTH when the user presses the SAVE Button, after he enters the value. The attribute keeps the value for further processing. To be able to access the value of this attribute in our methods, we have to pass this value in a local variable (lv_dateofbirth). We can use this value, change it or pass the new value back in the context (Fig) This value is kept in the context for the lifetime of the controller. Then, these data are lost if we don’t store them.
Connection among attribute, ABAP Dictionary, method and UI Element
We can directly create a node in the context root node or as child for other node. In Fig. we show how we can create a node.
Creating a node
For each node we create, we have to set some properties, as: cardinality, selection, etc. We can individually create the attributes for a node, or we can use some repository objects from the ABAP Dictionary. For example, when we work with tables, structures or views defined in the ABAP Dictionary, we can use them to define our node, and the attributes will be automatically generated.
Creating a Node that Uses an ABAP Dictionary Repository Object
We create a context node that uses the ABAP Dictionary structure YSTR_PERSON.
Node properties
The Button “Add Attribute from Structure” allows us to add all the structure components or only a part of them.
Selecting components of Structure
Because we need a proper attribute for all these structure components, we select all of them. As result, we have created a node, the attributes being automatically generated according to the structure components we have selected.
Context node STUDENT at design time
The properties of the node we have chosen are: cardinality 0. . .n, singleton – yes and Init. Lead Selection – yes. Web Dynpro Code Wizard,reading a context node or attribute.
The cardinality properties are very important, because they tell us how many elements a context node may have at runtime. We have four possible values:
  • 1. . .1 Exactly one context element is instantiated
  • 0. . .1 Maximum one context element is instantiated
  • 0. . .n Zero or more context elements are instantiated
  • 1. . .n One or more context elements are instantiated
The singleton property can be set YES or NO. When a node is singleton at the runtime, we have only one instance of this node. As usage example, for a nonsingleton node we can specify the context structure required for a Tree UI Element – sequential implementation.The Lead Selection Initialization property determines if the lead selection should be automatically set or manually programmed. In our case, this property is set “YES”, meaning that the lead selection is AUTOMATIC and the first element of this node it automatically selected. More details about lead selection – Table UI element.
For our node, we have defined the supply function named supply_student. Each node may have a supply function defined for it and automatically called by the Web Dynpro Framework. The scope of using a supply function is to populate a context node. In certain cases, we can use the Hook Method wdDoInit instead of a supply function. For more details, see the Hook Methods chapter.
The coding presented in Listing shows how we can use the supply function method to populate the context node STUDENT with three values. We have defined two variables: ls_student and lt_student. Ls_student is of type if_view_name=>element_student, where “view_name” represents the view name and “student” represents the node name. ”if_view_name” represents the programming interface for our view controller. By double-clicking on his name or clicking on the icon Display Controller Interface we can see the coding of this interface. Listing shows a coding part for the context node STUDENT.
Example of supply function Method
 METHOD supply_student .
 DATA ls_student TYPE if_view_name=>element_student.
 DATA lt_student LIKE TABLE OF ls_student.
 ls_student-firstname = 'Ionescu'.
 ls_student-lastname = 'Ana Maria'.
 ls_student-dateofbirth = '19700309'.
 APPEND ls_student TO lt_student.
 ls_student-firstname = 'Marinescu'.
 ls_student-lastname = 'Loredana'.
 ls_student-dateofbirth = '19800523'.
 APPEND ls_student TO lt_student.
 ls_student-firstname = 'Marton'.
 ls_student-lastname = 'Luminita'.
 ls_student-dateofbirth = '19831108'.
 APPEND ls_student TO lt_student.
 new_items = lt_student).
Example of view controller programming interface.
  wdctx_Student type string value `STUDENT`.
  Element_Student type YSTR_PERSON,
  Elements_Student type
  standard table of Element_Student
  with default key.
As can be seen, Element_Student is of YSTR_PERSON type (our ABAP Dictionary structure).But, when we manually create context nodes without dictionary structure,in the view controller programming interface,a new structured type is created (Listing).
Example of view controller programming interface
  begin of Element_Faculty,
  FACULTY_NAME type String,
  end of Element_Faculty,
This is why we use the following form to append values: ls_student-firstname = ‘Ionescu’.
The way we append values in an ABAP structure is: structure_name-component_name = value
With the declaration “DATA lt_student LIKE TABLE OF ls_student”,we declare an internal table.We use APPEND statement to add each new line at the end of the last line of the internal table.
At the end,we use the bind_structure method to populate the node with values.Instead of the declaration:
DATA ls_student TYPE if_view_name=>element_student.
we can use:
DATA ls_student TYPE wd_this->element_student.
In this way, we don’t need the view name anymore,because we use the wd_this self-reference.
The runtime structure
The node STUDENT was set Singleton, it has only an instance at runtime and the cardinality was set 0. . .n, meaning that, at runtime, we can have from zero to n elements. Because the lead selection was set “YES”, it was selected the first element of the node. To read, set or append a context node or attribute, we can use the Web Dynpro Code Wizard.
The option “As table operation” can be used in combination with the Read, Set or Append options for a node that allows the usage of this combination. We can read, for example, the entire context node STUDENT in an internal table.
DATA lt_student TYPE wd_this->elements_student. lr_node->get_static_attributes_table( IMPORTING table = lt_student).
Web Dynpro Code Wizard, reading a context node or attribute
In this case, the wizard has generated a variable lt_student of type wd_this -> elements_student. In Listing we saw that, in Interface Controller, besides the definition of a variable, the Element_structure Framework has also defined a variable Elements_Student, with the form:
Elements_Student type standard table of Element_Student with default key.
This is the reason why the Wizard offers the possibility to read all the values from the STUDENT node in lt_student.
As we have mentioned in the last chapter, we can use a table type to populate with data a context node via a supply function. Our node STUDENT has its attributes from the YSTR_PERSON structure. The table type YTABLE_TYPE_STRUCTURE defined in the ABAP Dictionary has the same YSTR_PERSON structure, as line type. Listing shows how we can use a table type to populate with data a context node.
Example of supply function Method
 METHOD supply .
 DATA: lt_student TYPE ytable_type_structure .
 DATA: ls_student TYPE ystr_person.
 ls_student-firstname = 'Ionescu'.
 ls_student-lastname = 'Ana Maria'.
 ls_student-dateofbirth = '19700309'.
 APPEND ls_student TO lt_student.
 ls_student-firstname = 'Marinescu'.
 ls_student-lastname = 'Loredana'.
 ls_student-dateofbirth = '19800523'.
 APPEND ls_student TO lt_student.
 node->bind_table(new_items = lt_student).
Working with Child Nodes
We create the context structure presented.
Example of child node
It has a context node FACULTY, cardinality 1. . .1, Singleton with child node ADDRESS, cardinality 1. . .1, Singleton and two attributes FACULTY_NAME type STRING and SPECIALIZATION type STRING.
We read data from the attributes of the node ADDRESS as a child node for FACULTY. Listing shows a possible method to read these attributes.
Reading the attributes values of the child node “ADDRESS”
 DATA: lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
 lr_subnode TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
 DATA: lv_street TYPE string,
 lv_number TYPE y_char,
 lv_city TYPE string.
 lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('FACULTY').
 lr_subnode = lr_node->get_child_node('ADDRESS').
 lr_subnode->get_attribute EXPORTING name ='STREET'
 IMPORTING value = lv_street).
 lr_subnode->get_attribute(EXPORTING name ='NUMBER'
 IMPORTING value = lv_number).
 lr_subnode->get_attribute (EXPORTING name ='CITY'
 IMPORTING value = lv_city ).
With the first data definition, we create two variable lr_node and lr_subnode of if_wd_context_node type. With the second data definition, we create three variables with the same data type as the attributes we want to read. Data type Y_CHAR represents a data element defined in the ABAP Dictionary of CHAR type, length 6. Instead of the declaration:
lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( ’FACULTY’).
we can use the form:
lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_faculty).
In the first case we have to write with capital letters the node name, and in the second case we use the constant wdctx_faculty of string type, defined by the Framework in Interface Controller, with the form:
wdctx_faculty type string value ‘FACULTY’.
By using the get_child_node method of if_wd_context_node interface, we successively access the node FACULTY and the node ADDRESS, and by using the method get_attribute, we pass the values of the attributes in our local variable.Another possibility to read the values of the ADDRESS child node attributes is presented in Listing.
Reading the attributes values of the child node “ADDRESS”
 DATA: lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
 lr_subnode TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
 ls_subnode type wd_this->element_address.
 DATA: lv_street LIKE ls_subnode-street,
 lv_number LIKE ls_subnode-number,
 lv_city LIKE ls_subnode-city.
 lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('FACULTY').
 lr_subnode = lr_node->get_child_node('ADDRESS').
 static_attributes = ls_subnode).
 lv_street = ls_subnode-street.
 lv_number = ls_subnode-number.
 lv_city = ls_subnode-city.
In this case, we have used the get_static_attributes method that supplies a copy of all the static attributes for the ADDRESS child node. After this, we are able to access the attributes values through the local structure “ls_subnode”.Listing shows how we can populate with values the elements of the ADDRESS child node
Populating the attributes of the ADDRESS node
 DATA:lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
 lr_subnode TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
 ls_subnode TYPE if_view_name=>element_address.
 lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('FACULTY').
 lr_subnode = lr_node->get_child_node('ADDRESS').
 ls_subnode-street = 'Pforzheimer'.
 ls_subnode-number = '106A'.
 ls_subnode-city = 'Pforzheim'.

Data Binding, Context Mapping and Interface Methods

This starts with the presentation of the mechanism used to manipulate data between the context attributes and UI elements, mechanism called,in Web Dynpro,“data binding”. We continue with the mechanism of sharing data among the various controllers, which is realized by using different variants of context mapping. Finally, we highlight the importance of the interface methods required to access them “cross-component”.
In the last chapter, we have created context nodes and attributes in the context view.A node or attribute can be created in each context. When we create an attribute in the context view, this value is visible only in this context view. The mechanism for sharing data among different controllers is known as “context mapping”. A context mapping can be internal, when the nodes we map are within the same component, and external, when the mapping is cross-components.
Data Binding
Each UI element has certain properties. With data binding, we define which node or attribute from the context will act as a data source for an UI element property. To exemplify the data binding mechanism, we create a component named Y_DATABINDING with a view named V_BIND and a window W_DEFAULT.
Structure of Y_DATABINDING component
In context view, we create a context node STUDENT with the same dictionary structure YSTR_PERSON.
Structure of STUDENT node
We create a WD component that reads the user inputs in the attributes FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME and DATEOFBIRTH. When the user presses the “SHOW” button, these data are shown by means of TextView UI Elements.
Example of data binding
We have many possibilities to make a data binding. For example, we can:
(a) Create a “Container Form” for a context node
(b) Use the Web Dynpro Wizard
(c) Create data binding for each attribute
(a) To create a “Container Form”, we add a Group UI element and then, by rightclicking,we choose from the contextual menu “Create Container Form”.
Creating container form
After this, we can choose which context node we use for data binding and which type of UI Element is associated to each attribute
 As a result, the Framework generates for each context attribute an UI element InputField and a proper label, and makes the data binding between each UI element property (value) and the context attribute.
Data mapping among InputField UI Elements and the context attributes.
To create a “Container Form”, we can use each UI Element of container type.
(b) To create a data binding, we can use the Web Dynpro Wizard button(Fig) In case we use the Form option, the Framework generates a transparentContainer UI element that contains the UI elements that we have to choose inthe same way as we have shown at point (a).
Using wizard to create a form and the proper data binding
(c) To manually define a data binding for each attribute, we have to insert the proper UI Element and create data binding between an UI element property and a context attribute. We insert 3 TextView UI Elements and 3 Labels UI Elements.
Layout structure
We have to create the data binding between each text property of the TextView UI Element and the proper context attribute.
Data binding
We repeat this step until we make data binding among the text property of all the three UI Elements and the proper context attributes. Then,we insert a Button UI Element in the Group GRP_STUDENT_WRITE and add an action.
Inserting a button and adding an action
In this case, we don’t need to enter coding in the generated event handler method onactionshow. After creating an application for our component, we are ready to run it. The result is presented. At runtime, the context attributes are empty. After the user enters values and pushes the SHOW button, the context attributes are populated with these values.At design time, we realised a data binding among the TextView UI Elements and the same context attributes (Firstname, Lastname and Dateofbirth). This is the reason why these UI Elements show the values entered by the user in the Input-Fields UI elements.
Running the application
Context Mapping
So far, we have used only context attributes that were defined in the view context.When we want to share data among different controllers, we have to define a context mapping.
A context mapping can be an internal context mapping or an external context mapping. An internal mapping relationship can be defined between any pair of controllers within the same WD component, whereas the external mapping defines a mapping across the borders of a WD component.
Internal Context Mapping
As mentioned before, the mechanism for sharing data among different controllers within the same WD component is known as internal context mapping.For a better understanding of this mechanism, we create the same example from data binding, but in this case we create the two groups GRP_STUDENT_READ and GRP_STUDENT_WRITE, in different views. At runtime, we display the view V_VIEW1.When the user presses the “SHOW” button, we display the second view V_VIEW2. The WD component structure is presented.
WD component structure
We cannot create the context node in the view context, because we need the values of this attributes not only in the view V_VIEW1, but in the view V_VIEW2 as well.In this case,we create the node STUDENT in the context of component controller.In this way,through context mapping, we can access the context of the component controller via a view controller. Context mapping doesn’t cause the duplication of data.The nodes in the view controllers only hold a reference to the mapping context node from the component controller.
Internal context mapping
We firstly create the context node of the component controller. After this, we make a context mapping between the context of the view V_VIEW1 and the context node of component controller. As a result, the entire context node STUDENT is mapped. In the same way, we proceed to make a context mapping between the context of the view V_VIEW2 and the context of component controller.Consequently,we have to create the view layout for the views V_VIEW1,V_VIEW2 and the data binding.Data stored in the context of the component.
Context mapping
The mapping result
controller can be used within a view if we have firstly made a context mapping.The schematic representation is presented.
Intern context mapping, data binding
The lines between controllers symbolize the context mapping, and the lines between view controllers and the views layout symbolize the data binding. In the view V_VIEW1, we create the group GRP_STUDENT_WRITE and then we can use the view context to create a “Container Form”.Because we want to show both views in the same window,after the user presses the “SHOW” Button we use a ViewContainerUIElement.
View layout for V_VIEW1
We have to embed the view V_VIEW2 in the ViewContainerUIElement.
Embed view V_VIEW2
We have to embed the view V_VIEW2 in the ViewContainerUIElement (Fig.).
Embed view V_VIEW2
After creating an application,we can see the result. At runtime, the User Interface is the same as for the data binding (example – Fig.)The difference is the context mapping. In this case, the context is not defined in the view context, but in the context of the component controller, and can be accessed through context mapping. The data reside in the context node of the component controller context, and the context node of the views controller simply holds a reference to this.
External Context Mapping
External mapping is a cross-component mapping and can be directly mapping or reversely mapping. We can create an external context mapping if we have firstly declared a usage for the component that holds the respective context and the respective context node has been marked as interface.
Direct Mapping
As a briefly description of this kind of mapping, we can say that the external mapping of direct mapping type is a cross-component mapping in which the main component directly access the data (represented through the context structure) of the used component.
For a better understanding of this type of mapping, we create the same example for the internal mapping, but in this case we create two WD components. The component Y_EM_LAYOUT has two Views used to create the user interface.To hold the data entered by the user, we use the context node STUDENT.To be able to access this context node, we have to define a component usage. In WD, the component Y_EM_LAYOUT defines a usage of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT.
WD component structure
In real cases, a faceless component is useful if several components access the same set of data. This type of component can be used to create a model for a multicomponent application. We firstly create the context node in component controller of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT. We keep the same context node STUDENT, but in this case we create an interface node. If this node has not defined the interface type, we cannot access it from another component.
Context node structure
The component Y_EM_LAYOUT has two Views used to create the user interface. To hold the data entered by the user, we use the context node STUDENT. To be able to access this context node, we have to define a component usage. In WD, the component Y_EM_LAYOUT defines a usage of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT
Defining a Usage in a component
After the usage is defined, we have to create a controller usage in the component controller. We need to use the component Y_EM_CONTEXT, the component use (named CONTEXT) and, hence, we need the INTERFACECONTROLLER
Controller usage definition
The next step is to define a mapping. In this case, it is an external mapping, because the node we use to define the mapping is outside the component
Defining an external mapping
As a result, the entire context node is mapped.
The mapping result
In the Methods tab, we have to verify in the wddoinit( ) Hook Method if it is an instance of the used component. The coding from Listing shows how we can verify this and how can be created in case it doesn’t exist.
Checking an instance of the used component
 METHOD wddoinit .
 DATA:lr_cmp_usage TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage.
 lr_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_context( ).
 IF lr_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
 lr_cmp_usage->create_component( component_name =
By using the method HAS_ACTIVE_COMPONENT of the IF_WD_COMPONENT_USAGE, we verify if the usage has an active component.If the component has already been initialized, the logic moves on otherwise, we create an instance of the component by using the CREATE_COMPONENT method of the same interface. We must ensure that the external component has been instantiated before the interface controller is accessed.
It is recommendable to create a usage for a component only in the moment we need it.In our little example, we have to create the usage in the wdDoInit Hook method, but,in case we use navigations plugs to navigate to a used component,it is recommendable to create the usage in the method used to fire the respective plug.
Further, we can proceed as in the previous example: we create an internal mapping between the context node of the component controller and the context view of the views V_VIEW1 and V_VIEW2. After this, we can create the data binding.All these are schematically presented. The line between WD components symbolizes the external direct context mapping, the lines between component controller and views controllers symbolize internal mapping, and the lines between view controllers and views layout symbolize the data binding.
Reverse Mapping
As a briefly description of this king of mapping, we can say that the external mapping of the reverse mapping type is a cross-component mapping in which the data (represented through the context structure) are put at our disposal by the main component.
To realise the screen based on them, we use the interface view of the used component.For a better understanding of this type of mapping, we create the same example from direct mapping,where we change only the implementation part. We create two WD components, named Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM and Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM. The WD components structure is presented. We define, in the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM, the context node STUDENT.This component has no view, because we embedded here the interface view
Schematic representation of an external direct mapping
WD components structure
of the component Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM.The component Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM implements the user interface, making usage of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM required to have access to the STUDENT node. Schematically, all these are presented. We firstly create the context node in the component controller of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM, by using the same context node STUDENT and interface node.
Schematic representation of an external reverse mapping
Interface node
The component Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM implements the user interface. In component controller, we create a node named STUDENT, with the same structure as the node STUDENT from the component controller of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM.
After creating the node, we make an internal mapping, we create the user interface and make the data binding. Another solution is to copy the component Y_EM_LAYOUT and to make the proper changes. We can copy this component by right-clicking on the component name, and choose “Copy” from the contextual menu. We have to specify a name for the new component and a package where we want to save this component. We define a usage of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM and create an external mapping, reverse mapping.
Interface node, Input element
Context structure after usage and mapping
After entering the coding required to verify if it is an instance of the used component, we can save and activate. For the next step, we go back to the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM, where we have to define a usage for the component Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM, required to be able to embed its interface view.
After this, we can embed the interface view of the component for which we have defined only the usage. The Framework generates a corresponding interface view when we create a window. This interface can be embedded by other component,after the usage was defined. To embed the interface view or windows of the Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM component, we proceed in the same way as for embedding the views.
Defining the usage
Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM component, we proceed in the same way as for embedding the views.
Embed operation
After entering the coding required to verify if an instance of the used component exists, we can save, activate and run the application.
Interface Methods
A method of a component controller can be marked as interface. In this way, it is possible to access it cross-component. This option is possible only for the methods applied to the component controllers. The methods that take place in Views orWindows can’t be marked as interface.
For a better understanding of this kind of methods, we expand the previous example. In this example, after the user enters values and presses the “SHOW” button, the context attributes of the node STUDENT of the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM are populated with these values. When we want to verify if the user have entered his first name, we have to define an interface method in the component controller of this component, a method that verifies if this attribute has a value or it is empty. For this purpose, we create the interface method named check_firstname().
Marking a component controller method as interface
We create this method in the component Y_EM_CONTEXT_RM, because there is the context node where the values are transferred after the user presses the “SHOW” button.
Method check_firstname implementation
 METHOD check_firstname .
 DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
 DATA ls_node TYPE if_componentcontroller=>element_student.
 DATA lv_firstname TYPE string.
 DATA lr_api_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller.
 DATA lr_message_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager.
 lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('STUDENT').
 lr_node->get_attribute(EXPORTING name = 'FIRSTNAME'
 IMPORTING value = lv_firstname).
 IF lv_firstname IS INITIAL.
 lr_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
 lr_message_manager = lr_api_controller->get_message_manager( ).
 message_text = 'The Field First Name is empty!').
We read the value of the FIRSTNAME attribute into the local variable lv_firstname.After this, we verify if this attribute has a value or it is empty. In case this attribute is empty, we want to show a message with the string ‘The Field First name is empty!’.In this case, we have used the method REPORT_ERROR_MESSAGE of interface IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER. To generate a message, we can use the Web Dynpro Code Wizard.
Usage of Web Dynpro Code Wizard
Is not recommended this art of programming, where the language-specific text elements are entered in the source text. In this case, we have used the easy way and not the best one. In the Chap.10, we explain how we can create messages easy to use and translate, without more programming effort.
After this method is implemented, we have to go back to the component Y_EM_LAYOUT_RM. When the user presses the SHOW button, we have to call the method check_firstname from the component use. If a method is marked as interface, we can cross-component access it. This means that we can call it from our onactionshow event handler method after we define a usage at the view level.
Usage definition
The coding from Listing shows the implementation of onactionshow event handler method.
Method call in used controller
 METHOD onactionshow .
 DATA: lr_interfacecontroller TYPE REF TO yiwci__em_context_rm .
 lr_interfacecontroller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_context( ).
 lr_interfacecontroller->check_firstname( ).
We can use Web Dynpro Code Wizard to generate this code.
Web Dynpro Code Wizard

View Controller Methods

Abstract As we have seen in the previous chapters, in the Methods tab of a View we find various types of methods generated by the Framework, and we can also create our own methods. The purpose of this chapter is to present the role and the modality to use the various methods generated by the Framework and the modality to realize our own methods.
Each view has exactly one view controller. The view controller can contain
methods for data retrieval or for processing user inputs.
As we have seen, each view has a Methods tab where we can create our own user-defined methods or we can find the methods generated by the Framework. In each Method tab of a View, we can find or create three types of methods:
  • Event Handler: This kind of methods respond to actions or to events. An example of such a method is generated by the Framework when we define an inbound plug into a View. Another example is a method generated from the Framework when we create an action.
  • Method: We can use this kind of methods to create User-defined instance methods. Another example is the Hook Methods generated by the Framework.
  • Supply Function: When we create a node and define a supply function for it, the Framework generates a corresponding supply function method used to populate with data a context node.
Hook Methods
These methods cannot be deleted and represent the interface between the Framework and our application. The Hook Methods are called in a specific sequence according to a phase model. After generation, these methods are empty, but can be filled with source codes in case we want to interfere in a certain step of this phase model.
shows the Hook methods to be found in different controllers.
As we can see, the Hook methods wdDoInit and wdDoExit are common to all the controllers. shows which Hook methods can be found in a view.
Hook methods in a view
This method can be considered the controller constructor. It is automatically called when the controller is initialized for the first time. We have many examples where we can use this method, for example:setting the initial values of a controller context, dynamically creation of a context node and attributes,filling context nodes.We can use this method instead of the supply function method (to populate with values a context node),only if we know that the context is filled only once and it’s not invalidated afterwards.
We create a WD component that uses the wdDoInit Hook method to populate with values a context node. The component structure and the view layout are presented.
WD component structure, view layout
In the context view, we create a context node named STUDENT, with the same structure as the data binding example –dictionary structure YSTR_PERSON,cardinality 1...1,singleton, without supply function.
Context structure
Using the wdDoInit Hook method,we populate with values this node (Listing). When calling the application for the first time, the wdDoInit Hook method fills the node STUDENT with all the elements set here.
The wdDoInit Hook method
  METHOD wddoinit .
  DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
  DATA ls_data TYPE if_v_view=>element_student.
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('STUDENT').
  ls_data-firstname = 'Antonia Maria'.
  ls_data-lastname = 'Keller'.
  ls_data-dateofbirth = '19800306'.
We can use the wdDoInit Hook Method to dynamically create the context nodeSTUDENT and to populate it with values.
The wdDoInit Hook method
  METHOD wddoinit .
  DATA: lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
  lr_node_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info,
  lr_child_node_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info.
  lr_node_info = wd_context->get_node_info( ).
  lr_child_node_info = lr_node_info->add_new_child_node(
  name = 'STUDENT'
  is_singleton = abap_true
  is_multiple = abap_false
  is_mandatory = abap_true
  static_element_type = 'YSTR_PERSON'
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('STUDENT').
  DATA ls_data TYPE ystr_person.
  ls_data-firstname = 'Antonia Maria'.
  ls_data-lastname = 'Keller'.
  ls_data-dateofbirth = '19800306'.
  lr_node->bind_structure(EXPORTING new_item = ls_data).
To dynamically create the context node “STUDENT”, we have used the method ADD_NEW_CHILD_NODE of the IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_INFO interface that creates an Info Object and adds it as a Lower-Level Node for the CONTEXT root node. The method CREATE_NODEINFO_FROM_STRUCT of the CL_ WD_DYNAMIC_TOOL class is obsolete and that’s why it is recommendable to use the if_wd_context_node_info->add_new_child_node.
ADD_NEW_CHILD_NODE have many import parameters of which,for the scope of our example, we have used:
  • NAME of STRING type – the name of the generated context node
  • IS_SINGLETON of ABAP_BOOL type,default value ABAP_FALSE – sets the property node SYNGLETON.In our example,the node STUDENT has to be singleton,and that’s why we have set this value ABAP_TRUE
  • IS_MULTIPLE of ABAP_BOOL type, default value ABAP_TRUE – sets the property node CARDINALITY.In our example,the node STUDENT has the cardinality 1...1,and that’s why we have set this value ABAP_FALSE
  • IS_MANDATORYf ABAP_BOOL type,default value ABAP_FALSE - sets the same property node CARDINALITY.We need the ABAP_TRUE value because the context node must have exactly one context element at runtime
  • STATIC_ELEMENT_TYPE of STRING type – we can use it to define the DICTIONARY_STRUCTURE property for our context node. Same as the case when this node is created at the design time, we can use the name of the development objects created in the ABAP Dictionary as Structure or Views
This method can be considered the controller destructor. It is automatically called when exiting the controller, and can be used for executing closing statements.
In the ABAP Dictionary, we have defined a lock for the database table YPERSON. We can use wdDoExit Hook method to release a lock that has been set for this table to synchronize the access of several WD applications to the same data. To do this, we have to use the generated DEQUEUE_EYPERSON Function Module (Listing).
The wdDoExit Hook method
 METHOD wddoexit .
 DATA lv_id_candidate TYPE yperson-id_person.
 DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
 DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this->element_candidate.
 lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('CANDIDATE').
 lr_node->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'ID_PERSON'
 IMPORTING value = lv_id_candidate).
 id_person = lv_id_candidate.
Here we have called the Function Module directly from our WD method, but we can create a method in a class used as model for theWDcomponent. If we don’t call the corresponding DEQUEUE_EYPERSON Function Module to release the database record that was locked with the EQUEUE_EYPERSON Function Module, this lock is generally removed at the end of the transaction.
wd Do Modify View
This method is mostly used in the dynamic programming, it is a method used for modifying the view before rendering. For the dynamically programming of the UI elements, we have many classes and methods that help us as application developer to dynamically modify a view. To show this, we create an example, aWDcomponent, where we use this Hook method to dynamically create an InputField, a Label, a TextView and a LinkToAction UIelement. The WD component structure and the context node are presented.
WD component structure and context node
For the scope of this example, we import in the MIMEs (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) folder an image: next.JPG that we use for the linkToAction UI element. To import a file in this folder, we right-click on the WD component name and, from the contextual menu, we chooseCreate -> Mime Object -> Import.
The context node PERSON has the Cardinality 1. . .1, Singleton. Its attributes are NAME and GREETING, of string type. We can almost use the same example as for our first exercise. In this case, we create at design time only the UI element Group, the other UI elements being dynamically created by using the wdDoModify- View Hook method.The view layout is presented.
View layout
Listing shows the content of the wdDoModifyView Hook method By using the FIRST_TIME parameter of WDY_BOOLEAN type, we check if wdDoModifyView is called for the first time. In case this parameter is ABAP_TRUE (first time), we create a label UI Element:
 lr_label = cl_wd_label=>new_label(
 id = ‘NAME_LBL’
 label_for = ‘NAME’
 text = ‘NAME’).
To do this, we use the method new_label of the cl_wd_label class interface
The WdDoModifyView Hook method
 METHOD wddomodifyview .
 DATA lv_bind_name TYPE string.
 DATA lv_bind_greeting TYPE string.
 DATA lr_link_to_action TYPE REF TO cl_wd_link_to_action.
 DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_group.
 DATA lr_flow_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_flow_data.
 DATA lr_input_field TYPE REF TO cl_wd_input_field.
 DATA lr_text_view TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view.
 DATA lr_label TYPE REF TO cl_wd_label.
 IF first_time EQ abap_true.
 lr_label = cl_wd_label=>new_label(
 id = 'NAME_LBL'
 label_for = 'NAME'
 text = 'NAME').
 lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>new_flow_data(element =
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('GRP').
 lv_bind_name = 'PERSON.NAME'.
 lr_input_field = cl_wd_input_field=>new_input_field(
  id = 'NAME'
 bind_value = lv_bind_name).
 lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>new_flow_data(
 element = lr_input_field).
 lr_container->add_child( lr_input_field).
 lr_link_to_action = cl_wd_link_to_action=>new_link_to_action(
 on_action = 'NEXT'
 image_source = 'NEXT.JPG').
 lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>new_flow_data( element =
 lr_container->add_child(lr_link_to_actio ).
 lv_bind_greeting = 'PERSON.GREETING'.
 lr_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view(
 id = 'TXV_NAME'
 bind_text = lv_bind_greeting).
 lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>new_flow_data(element =
The new_label method has many mandatory and optional parameters. We have used label_for, text and ID to set the main properties of the Label UI element. The text parameter helps us to set the label text. The Label_for parameter specifies the UI element for which this label is.
To embedding the UI elements into the layout, we need to specify the arrangement of these elements. For this, we have used the FlowLayout layout:
lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>new_flow_data( element = lr_label).
Class interface CL_WD_LABEL
Parameters for the new_label method
After creating the UI element and setting the layout, we have to attach them to the ROOTCONTAINERUIELEMENT or to another container.In our case, we have attached our new created label to the UI element Group with the GRP ID.
lr_container ?= view->get_element(‘GRP’).
We have used the method add_child( ) that enabled us to do this.After this,we create an InputField UI element:
 lr_input_field = cl_wd_input_field=>new_input_field(
 id = ’NAME’
 bind_value = lv_bind_name).
We use the new_input_field method from the cl_wd_input_field class interface.The bind_value parameter represents the value property for the UI element property.In this case, we dynamically create a data binding for this property to the context node PERSON, attribute NAME. Until now, we have seen how we can create a data binding at the design time. In this case, we can’t create a data binding at design time, because this UI element doesn’t exist at the design time; it is dynamically created at runtime.
To dynamically create a data binding of the property bind_value with the NAME attribute, we have to specify the absolute path of this attribute. lv_bind_name = ‘PERSON.NAME’.
In the next step, we dynamically create a LinkToAction UI element:
  lr_link_to_action = cl_wd_link_to_action=>new_link_to_action(
  on_action = ‘NEXT’
  image_source = ‘NEXT.JPG’
We use the method new_link_to_action of the cl_wd_link_to_action class interface. This UI element has an event associated. We have used the parameter on_action to define the action that the Framework triggers when the user interacts with this UI element.
For a linkToAction UI element, we can define a hypertext link or we can use an image instead a text.In our case, we have used the parameter image_source to specify the name of the image we want to use. Then, we specify the layout and we attach it to our UI element Group with the same GRP ID.
At the end, we dynamically create a TextView UI element by using the new_text_view method of the cl_wd_text_view class interface
  lr_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view(id = ’TXV_NAME’bind_text = lv_bind_greeting).
The data binding to the context attribute GREETING is dynamically created.After creating the UI element, we specify the layout and we attach it to our UI element Group with the same GRP ID.
When the user presses the linkToAction UI element, the Framework triggers the event handler method onactionnext(Listing ).
Action Next
The onactionnext event handler method
 METHOD onactionnext .
  DATA: lv_name TYPE string,
  lv_greeting TYPE string.
  DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
  DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this->element_person.
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'PERSON').
  lr_node->get_attribute(EXPORTING name = 'NAME'
  IMPORTING value = lv_name).
  'Welcome' lv_name INTO lv_greeting SEPARATED BY space.
  ls_data-greeting = lv_greeting.

In case we want to set “required” the state property of the Input UI element, we need only an extra line code:
  lr_input_field = cl_wd_input_field=>new_input_field(
  id = ‘NAME’
  state = cl_wd_input_field=>e_state-required
  bind_value = lv_bind_name).
We use the state parameter to dynamically set the property with the same name of the InputField UI element.If we don’t use this optional parameter, the default value is set: CL_WD_INPUT_FIELD=>E_STATE-NORMAL.
wd Do Before Action
We can use this method to perform our own validation before an action is triggered.To exemplify this,we create a Web Dynpro component named Y_WDDOBEFOREACTION with a view named V_VIEW and a window W_DEFAULT.
In the context view, we create the well-known context node named STUDENT,with the same dictionary structure YSTR_PERSON, cardinality 1...1, singleton,without supply function. Our scope is to check if the user enters values in all the in put Fields UI elements bound to the attributes of the context node STUDENT. TheView layout is presented.
The View layout
In the wd Do Before Action Hook method, we use the static method CHECK_MANDATORY_ATTR_ON_VIEW of the CL_WD_DYNAMIC_TOOL class to check if the user had entered values in all the mandatory fields (the state property of the inputField UI elements is set required).
The wdDoBeforeAction Hook method
  METHOD wddobeforeaction .
  DATA lr_api_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller.
  DATA lr_action TYPE REF TO if_wd_action.
  lr_api_controller = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
  lr_action = lr_api_controller->get_current_action( ).
  IF lr_action IS BOUND.
  CASE lr_action->name.
  view_controller = lr_api_controller).
When the user presses the Save button, the Web Dynpro Framework firstly checks,by using the wdDoBeforeAction Hook method, if all the required fields are filled.In case the user doesn’t enter values in all these fields, all the operations that had to take place after pressing the Save button are finished and the user is informed about this,through error messages and by highlighting the UI elements that generated these messages. In this way, we don’t have to manually check each mandatory field.
wd Do On Context Menu
We can use this method to provide hierarchical context menus in web Dynpro Views.In our first example, we have already seen the default context menu displayed by the Web Dynpro Framework when the user presses right-click on an UI element.
We can create a context menu at design time,by using the CONTEXT_MENUS root,or dynamically, by coding the wd Do On Context Menu Hook method.To exemplify how we can use this method to dynamically create context menus, we use the example from the wdDoBeforeAction Hook method. In this case,we offer to the user the possibility to personalize the field he wants to be mandatory. He will be able to choose between his first name as mandatory field and his last name as mandatory field.
When he chooses the first name as mandatory,we will mark the corresponding field with a red star, and when he chooses the last name, we will mark the corresponding field with a red star. In the default mode, the first name is set as mandatory.
To create this example, we have to perform some modifications into the last application.In this case,we have to set dynamic the state properties of the two inputField UI elements,corresponding to first name and last name. To be able to do this, we have to create, in the context view,two extra context attributes of WDUI_STATE type,to bind these attributes with the corresponding properties. In this way, at design time, the two inputField UI elements are not marked as mandatory,anyway. To set in the default mode the first name as mandatory,we use the wdDoInit Hook method we have just learnt about.
Context structure and data binding
Setting the initial values for our node DYNAMIC
  METHOD wddoinit .
  DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
  DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this->element_dynamic.
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('DYNAMIC').
  ls_data-first_name = cl_wd_input_field=>e_state-required.
  ls_data-last_name = cl_wd_input_field=>e_state-normal.
To offer to the end user the capability to dynamically choose what value he wants to be mandatory from the two optional values, we have to code the wd Do On-ContextMenu Hook method.
With the first data statement, we create a local reference to the CL_WD_MENU class and two local references to the CL_WD_MENU_ACTION_ITEM, required to dynamically create our menu,and two menu options of menuActionItem type. We need the two menu options to offer to the user the possibility to choose between options:set first name as mandatory or set last name as mandatory.
With the second data statement, we create two local variables required to read from the context attributes the status properties corresponding to the two input-Fields UI elements(firstname, lastname)and a local reference required to access our context node. Firstly,we create a context menu by using the static method new_menu of the cl_wd_menu class.
By using the static method new_menu_action_item of the cl_wd_menu_action_item class, we create the two menu options we need.Fromthe parameters of this class,we have used:
  • id: To set the ID of the view element
  • on_action: To associate the action that will be triggered when the user presses the respective option
  • text: The text that will be displayed for the respective menu option
The wd Do On Context Menu example
  METHOD wddooncontextmenu .
  DATA: lr_menu TYPE REF TO cl_wd_menu,
  lr_menu_item1 TYPE REF TO cl_wd_menu_action_item,
  lr_menu_item2 TYPE REF TO cl_wd_menu_action_item.
  DATA: lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
  lv_first_name TYPE wdui_state,
  lv_last_name TYPE wdui_state.
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('DYNAMIC').
  lr_node->get_attribute(EXPORTING name = 'FIRST_NAME'
  IMPORTING value = lv_first_name).
  lr_node->get_attribute(EXPORTING name = 'LAST_NAME'
  IMPORTING value = lv_last_name).
  lr_menu = cl_wd_menu=>new_menu(id = 'CONTEXT_MENU').
  IF lv_first_name = 01 AND lv_last_name = 00.
  lr_menu_item1 = cl_wd_menu_action_item=>new_menu_action_item
  id = 'LAST_NAME'
  on_action = 'LN_MANDATORY'
  text = 'Set last name as mandatory').
  lr_menu_item2 = cl_wd_menu_action_item=>new_menu_action_item
  id = 'FIRST_NAME'
  on_action = 'FN_MANDATORY'
  text = 'set first name as mandatory'
  enabled = abap_false).
  ELSEIF lv_first_name = 00 AND lv_last_name = 01.
  lr_menu_item2 = cl_wd_menu_action_item=>new_menu_action_item
  id = 'FIRST_NAME'
  on_action = 'FN_MANDATORY'
  text = 'set first name as mandatory').
  lr_menu_item1 = cl_wd_menu_action_item=>new_menu_action_item
  id = 'LAST_NAME'
  on_action = 'LN_MANDATORY'
  text = 'Set last name as mandatory'
  enabled = abap_false).
  lr_menu->add_item(the_item = lr_menu_item1).
  lr_menu->add_item(the_item = lr_menu_item2).
  menu = lr_menu.
  • enabled: To set if this option is active or inactive. In the default mode,this parameter is set ABAP_TRUE,respective enabled
The local variables used to pass the values of the two attributes (firstname and lastname) are of the same type as the attributes: WDUI_STATE.By doubleclicking on the TYPE,the forward navigation is open and we can see a data element with a Domain as an elementary type.This domain has two fixed values:00 for Normal item and 01 for required.
Before we effectively create the two menu options, we have to check which one of the two state proprieties is set required and which one is set normal.In case the firstname is required and lastname is normal,we create the two menu options with “Set last name as mandatory” active and “Set first name as mandatory” inactive.In case the firstname is normal and the lastname is required,we create the two menu options with “Set last name as mandatory” inactive and “Set first name as mandatory”active.
Then, we add the two created menu options of menuActionItem type to our context menu and display the respective menu by using the wdDoOnContextMenu Hook method, returning the parameter named menu. we have already seen that, for our InputFields UI elements, we have set the properties:
  • context Menu Behaviour: Provides, not inherits from the container
  • context Menu Id: Set with the IDs of our context menu options
All we have to do now is to create the respective actions: FN_MANDATORY and LN_MANDATORY,actions that the Framework triggers when the user presses our menu action items. The onactionln_mandatory event handler method is presented.
Event handler method triggered for the menu option with LAST_NAME ID
  DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
  DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this->element_dynamic.
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('DYNAMIC').
  ls_data-first_name = cl_wd_input_field=>e_state-normal.
  ls_data-last_name = cl_wd_input_field=>e_state-required.
In case the user chooses the last name as mandatory, we have to set required the property state of the corresponding UI element and normal the property state of the UI element corresponding to the first name.
The onactionfn_mandatory event handler method is presented in Listing In case the user chooses the first name as mandatory, we have to set required the property state of the corresponding UI element and to set normal the property state of the UI element corresponding to the last name.
Event handler method triggered for the menu option with FIRST_NAME ID
  DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
  DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this->element_dynamic.
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('DYNAMIC').
  ls_data-first_name = cl_wd_input_field=>e_state-required.
  ls_data-last_name = cl_wd_input_field=>e_state-normal.
Supply Function Methods
We have used this type of methods every time we have assigned a supply function to a context node, every time we have populated the context attributes of the context nodes with initial values via supply function. When a controller is called, these methods are called first. We have seen that a supply function can be assigned to each context node of a Controller.
Context node and supply function
The Framework generates a corresponding supply function method.An alternative for the supply function methods can be the wdDoInit Hook method, if we know that the context is filled only once at initialization and it is not invalidated afterwards.
Supply function
User-Defined Instance Methods
In the Methods tab, we can create our own user-defined methods with or without parameters. After creating a user-defined method, we can call it in the same controller, by using the wd_this self reference.
In this case, we copy our example from the wdDoModifyView Hook method and we create two extra user-defined methods:
  • A method named GREETING that has two import parameters
  • A method named PERFORM_VALLIDATION that has one import parameter
In the ONACTIONNEXT event handler method, we check whether the attribute NAME is initial, respective if the user didn’t enter his first name. In case of initial attribute, we call our own defined PERFORM_VALIDATION method. By using this method, we show an error message. In case this attribute is not empty, we call our own defined GREETING method to create a greeting for the end user.
The user-defined GREETING method. As we can see, this method has defined an importing parameter named P_NAME of STRING type and an importing parameter named P_NODE of ref to if_wd_context_node type. The P_NAME parameter holds the value of the NAME attribute.
The user-defined PERFORM_VALIDATION method. As we can see, this method has an importing parameter named P_ELEMENT, referable to the interface IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT.
In this case, we have used the method REPORT_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR_MESSAGE of the interface IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER to report a Web Dynpro error message to a context attribute.
The ONACTIONNEXT event handler method. As we can see, the local variable lv_name holds the value of the NAME attribute. If this attribute is empty, we have to show an error message. To do this, we use our own defined PERFORM_VALIDATION method.
User-defined GREETING method
User-defined PERFORM_VALIDATION method
wd_this->perform_validation(EXPORTING p_element = lr_element). If this attribute is not initial, we use its value as exporting parameter for our own defined method GREETING.
The onactionnext event handler method
 METHOD onactionnext .
 DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
 DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this->element_person.
 DATA lv_name TYPE string.
 DATA lr_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
 lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('PERSON').
 lr_element = lr_node->get_element( ).
 lr_node->get_attribute(EXPORTING name = 'NAME'
 IMPORTING value = lv_name).
 IF lv_name IS INITIAL.
 wd_this->perform_validation(EXPORTING p_element = lr_element).
 wd_this->greeting(EXPORTING p_name = lv_name
 p_node = lr_node).
Fire Methods
A Fire method is a special kind of method generated by the Framework when we define an outbound plug.We need inbound plugs and outbound plugs to define the navigation between two views.These plugs are the entry and the exit point for each view. We create an example,a WD component that has two Views. The WD component structure is presented.
WD component structure
In this case, we want to navigate from the view V_VIEW1 to the view V_VIEW2, when the Framework triggers an event handler method, respective when the user presses a button. In the COMPONENTCONTROLLER,we create a context node PERSON, Cardinality 1...1,Singleton and one attribute NAME of string type.
Context structure
The data stored in the context of the component controller are used within the two views V_VIEW1 and V_VIEW2, through context mapping.
View V_VIEW1 layout
View V_VIEW2 layout
When the user presses the Next button,we want to navigate from the view V_VIEW1 to the view V_VIEW2.The view V_VIEW1 will be replaced with the view V_VIEW2. This navigation is possible through a navigation link between the views, in the window.
Plugs and navigation
To set up navigation between our views, we must create an inbound plug for the view V_VIEW2 and an outbound plug for the V_VIEW1. In the Outbound Plug tab of the view V_VIEW1, we create an outbound plug named OP_TO_V_VIEW2.
Out bound plug
In the Inbound plug tab of the view V_VIEW2,we create an inbound plug named IP_V_VIEW2.
In bound plug
When the user presses the Next button,the Framework triggers the event handler method onactionnext.Every time we create an outbound plug for a view,a special method is added to its interface. This method has the statement FIRE_<NAME_OUTBOUND_PLUG>_PLG. To fire this method, we can use the Web Dynpro CodeWizard or select an outbound plug when creating an Action.
The event handler method has the following statement:
 METHOD onactionnext .
 wd_this->fire_op_to_v_view2_plg( ).
Creating an action
We use the self-reference WD_THIS of the view controller to fire the method FIRE_OP_TO_V_VIEW2_PLG that was added to this interface when we have created the outbound plug.
All the views within a window can be connected to each other by using navigation links.To be able to create the navigation,we embed the views in the window and then we drag & drop the outbound plug to the inbound plug. We can also create navigation by right-clicking on the output plug name.
Creating navigation link
At runtime, when the user interacts with the view V_VIEW1, his interaction will cause a request to the server.In response, the view V_VIEW1 will be replaced with the view V_VIEW2. This is possible through the navigation link defined between these views.
Event Handler Methods
An event handler method responds to actions or to events. We have used this type of methods every time we have assigned an action to an UI element.This kind of methods are special methods of a view controller that has the prefix ONACTION followed by the action name. As we have seen,the action is defined in the Action tab and the corresponding event handler method is generated by the Framework.
Action and event handler method
We can assign an action to an UI element that has an event, indifferent if this UI element is created dynamically or at the design time.
Action and UI element
Let’s create an example where we use an event handler method implemented to respond to events of inbound plugs!
We have seen that the outbound plugs are the starting point of navigation, called in any method of the view controller by using the statement:
This method allows also parameter transfer
In this case, the PARAMETER has to be entered in the parameter table of the view controller. For a better understanding,we create the same example as for the fire methods, but in this case we show an error message when the user doesn’t enter a value in the inputField UI element.We will pass a reference to Message Manager from a view to another view, via an outbound parameter. In the View_1 we add in the parameter table,on the Outbound plug,a parameter named P_MM.
Defining the parameter for an Outbound Plug
When the user presses the Next button, the Framework triggers the event handler method onactionnext.
Event handler method
 METHOD onactionnext .
 DATA: lr_api_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller,
 lr_api_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager.
 lr_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
 lr_message_manager = lr_api_controller->get_message_manager( ).
 wd_this->fire_op_to_v_view2_plg( p_mm = lr_message_manager).
Inbound plug
We don’t have the possibility to create a parameter for an Inbound Plug.In this case, we use the event handler method HANDLEIP_V_VIEW2 to read the value of the P_MM parameter.
When an inbound plug is called, the handler method that is uniquely assigned to this inbound plug is called. This method is automatically generated in the view controller when the inbound plug is created.We find this method in the Methods tab of the view V_VIEW2.
Event handler method
The value of the parameter P_MM is passed by the outbound plug OP_TO_V_VIEW2. To be able to read the value of this parameter, we have to add the parameter P_MM to the signature of the event handler method assigned to the inbound plug,i.e.the HANDLEIP_V_VIEW2 event handler method.
Event handler method. Implementation
In this way, the value of the P_MM parameter is known by the event handler method and can be used to send a message in case the user doesn’t enter a value in the InputField UI element.

Layout UI Elements

The following section details and describes the Layout of the UI elements. Here, we are going to present the various types of existent Layouts and the modality to use them, either in static or in dynamic variant. The layout helps us to manage the arrangement of the UI elements within their parent container.
All the UI elements within a view are hierarchy arranged. The node ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER is the root of this hierarchy and all the UI elements. within a view are children of this root container. It is of TransparentContainer type and has initially assigned to it the FlowLayout layout. In our first example, we have seen that we have the possibility to change it from ransparentContainer into another UI element, in case this one doesn’t have any children. Table shows the layout UI elements that are available for arranging the UI elements in a view, and the corresponding LayoutData. The layout is the abstract base class of all the layout UI elements within Web Dynpro and has the runtime class CL_WD_LAYOUT.
Layout and LayoutData UI element
The layout data of an UI element are used to specify the position within a container and have the runtime class CL_WD_LAYOUT_DATA.
Flow Layout
If we use the FlowLayout layout, all the UI elements are displayed in a line. Byusing the property WRAPPING of the container into which the UI elements are going to be integrated, we can manipulate the modality of putting these UI elements on screen. In case this property is ABAP_TRUE, the UI elements that don’t enter in the first line are arranged bellow, in another line, to automatically adapt to the client window. In case of ABAP_FALSE, the UI elements are not automatically adapted to the client window.
For a better understanding, we create a Registration Form with three fields: first name, last name and date of birth. The WD component structure and the view layout are presented.
WD component structure and view layout
In View context, we create the same well-known STUDENT contextnode with the dictionary structure YSTR_PERSON.
ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER and Group UI element are both UI elements of container type, which have the FlowLayout layout in the default mode. Each UI element reference to a LayoutData object and every UI element inserted within a container must have the data layout that matches the respective container.
Layout and layout data
Runtime: wrapping ABAP_TRUE
As we can see, the UI elements are arranged in a line. Because the attributes of STUDENT context node are empty, the InputField’s UI elements bound to these attributes are not shown. After the user presses the Save Button, we show all the data that the user has entered in the InputField UI elements. In this case, all the UI elements don’t enter in a line anymore, because the client window is too small for that. The elements that don’t enter in the first line are arranged below in another line, to automatically adapt to the client window.
We can see that, for the layout data, we can set two properties: cellDesign that specifies the distance between rows and vGutter that specifies the additional distance to the left edge. The default of these values is cellDesign – padless (there is no distance between the row and the edges) and vGutter – none (no additional distance). In case the wrapping property is ABAP_FALSE, the UI elements that don’t enter in the first line are not arranged below in another line, they are not visible anymore.
Runtime: wrapping ABAP_FALSE
For a dynamic manipulation, we can use the runtime class CL_WD_FLOW_DATA to embedding the UI elements into the container that has a FlowLayout layout.An example of using this class we have seen in the wdDoModifyView example.
f we use the GridLayout layout, all the UI elements are arranged in container in a tabular grid with a fixed number of columns. We can specify the number of columns in the grid by usingthe property colCount. The number of rows depends on the number of the UI elements added to the container.We create the same example, but in this case we use GridLayout layout for the Group container.
Group container: GridLayout
We arrange all the UI elements from the GRP Group UI element in two columns.In this case, at runtime we have: As we can see,the number of columns is two and the number of rows is five.We want the Save button to remain alone in its row. To do this, we have to use an InvisibleElement.
This UI element is an invisible element on the screen and can be used to fill an empty cell in the GridLayout.
InvisibleElement and GridLayout
For a dynamic manipulation, we can use the runtime class CL_WD_GRID_ DATA to embedding the UI elements into the GRP container that has a GridLayout layout.
UI elements into the GRP container that has a GridLayout layout
 METHOD wddomodifyview.
 DATA lv_bind_attribute TYPE string.
 DATA lr_input_field TYPE REF TO cl_wd_input_field.
 DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_group.
 DATA lr_label TYPE REF TO cl_wd_label.
 DATA lr_grid_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_grid_data.
 IF first_time EQ abap_true.
 lr_label = cl_wd_label=>new_label(id ='FIRSTNAME_LABEL' label_for ='FIRSTNAME' ).
 lr_grid_data = cl_wd_grid_data=>new_grid_data(element = lr_label).
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('GRP').
 lr_container->add_child(index = 1 the_child = lr_label).
 lv_bind_attribute = 'STUDENT.FIRSTNAME'.
 lr_input_field = cl_wd_input_field=>new_input_field(
id ='FIRSTNAME' bind_value = lv_bind_attribute).
 lr_grid_data = cl_wd_grid_data=>new_grid_data(element = lr_input_field).
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('GRP').
 lr_container->add_child(index = 2 the_child = lr_input_field ).
In this example,we dynamically created the first two UI elements: InputField for the user first name and the corresponding label. To embed these UI elements into the GRP container (GridLayout),we use the proper GridData layout.
If we use the MatrixLayout, all the UI elements from a container are arranged in columns. With MatrixLayout, we can produce a grid with a variable number of columns per row. Each UI element inserted in a container that has the MatrixLayout layout will contain either a MatrixData object or a MatrixHeadData object.
Layout and layout data
An UI element that has MatrixHeadData data layout starts a new row and the UI elements that have MatrixData data layout are shown in the same row, until an UI element is set MatrixHeadData and a new row is created.
UI elements arranged in a container by using a MatrixLayout layout
For a dynamic manipulation, we can use the runtime class CL_WD_MATRIX_ HEAD_DATA and CL_WD_MATRIX_DATA to embed the UI elements into the GRP container that has a MatrixLayout layout .
GRP container that has a MatrixLayout layout
 METHOD wddomodifyview.
 DATA lv_bind_attribute TYPE string.
 DATA lr_input_field TYPE REF TO cl_wd_input_field.
 DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_group.
 DATA lr_label TYPE REF TO cl_wd_label.
 DATA lr_matrix_head_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_matrix_head_data.
 DATA lr_matrix_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_matrix_data.
 IF first_time EQ abap_true.
 lr_label = cl_wd_label=>new_label(id ='FIRSTNAME_LABEL'
 label_for ='FIRSTNAME').
 lr_matrix_head_data =
 cl_wd_matrix_head_data=>new_matrix_head_data(element = lr_label).
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('GRP').
 lr_container->add_child(index = 1 the_child = lr_label).
 lv_bind_attribute ='STUDENT.FIRSTNAME'.
 lr_input_field = cl_wd_input_field=>new_input_field(id ='FIRSTNAME'
 bind_value = lv_bind_attribute).
 lr_matrix_data = cl_wd_matrix_data=>new_matrix_data(element =
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('GRP').
 lr_container->add_child(index = 2 the_child = lr_input_field).
If we use RowLayout, all the UI elements from a container are arranged into horizontal rows. Each UI element inserted in a container that has the RowLayout layout will contain either a RowData object or a RowHeadData object.
Layout and layout data
This kind of layout is helpful when we want to arrange our UI elements into horizontal rows,but where we don’t need a vertical alignment between the resulting columns..
UI elements arranged in a container by using a RowLayout layout
For a dynamic manipulation, we can use the runtime class CL_WD_ROW_ HEAD_DATA and CL_WD_ROW_DATA to embed the UI elements into the GRP container that has a RowLayout layout..
GRP container that has a RowLayout layout
 METHOD wddomodifyview.
 DATA lv_bind_attribute TYPE string.
 DATA lr_input_field TYPE REF TO cl_wd_input_field.
 DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_group.
 DATA lr_label TYPE REF TO cl_wd_label.
 DATA lr_row_head_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_row_head_data.
 DATA lr_row_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_row_data.
 IF first_time EQ abap_true.
 lr_label = cl_wd_label=>new_label(id ='FIRSTNAME_LABEL'
 label_for = 'FIRSTNAME').
 lr_row_head_data = cl_wd_row_head_data = >new_row_head_data(element = lr_label).
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('GRP').
 lr_container->add_child(index = 1
 the_child = lr_label).
 lv_bind_attribute ='STUDENT.FIRSTNAME'.
 lr_input_field = cl_wd_input_field= new_input_field(id ='FIRSTNAME'
 bind_value = lv_bind_attribute).
 lr_row_data = cl_wd_row_data=>new_row_data(element =lr_input_field).
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('GRP').
 lr_container->add_child(index = 2 the_child = lr_input_field).

User Interface Elements (UI elements) Static and Dynamic Programming-part 1

The UI elements we can use in the Web Dynpro ABAP are divided in various categories.In this chapter, we are going to present some of the UI elements, included in the categories:action, selection,layout, complex, graphic and integration. Each UI element will be illustrated by an example,showing the modality of using it either in static or in dynamic variant.
A UI element is a User Interface element we use to create a screen for the end user. The UI Elements are grouped in categories we can access via the View Layout,and each UI Element has some properties, as follows
  • Common with other UI elements,inherited from superclasses
  • Specific only for an UI element
  • For example, the following properties are inherited:
  • Tooltip: Shows a quick info text when the user passes the mouse pointer over the UI element
  • Visible: Determined if an UI element is visible in the screen or not
  • Enabled: Specified if the UI element is active or inactive
By using the Class Builder transaction SE24, we can see different classes along with their inheritances and attributes. For example, the class CL_WD_UIELEMENT is the super class of all the UI elements we use in Web Dynpro ABAP. Being super class, this class has CL_WD_VIEW_ELEMENT. presents the tooltip,visible and enable properties for an InputField UI element.
Most of the UI elements properties can be bound to different context nodes or attributes.In this way, we can manipulate the UI elements via the data held in the context. Each bindable property of a UI element has a certain type. For example,the enabled property can be bound to an attribute of WDY_BOOLEAN type.
when this attribute is set ABAP_TRUE, the respective UI element is active.When this attribute is set ABAP_FALSE, the respective UI element is inactive.
The UI elements, along with the aggregations, determine the appearance and behaviour of the UI elements on the screen. The Web Dynpro UI elements are divided in categories. Hereunder, we present some of these categories.
This category contains UI elements that help us to work with graphics maps,etc. Hereunder,we present some of the UI Elements included in this category.
This UI element enables us to integrate graphics in our WD application. Same as other UI elements, it has some properties. Hereunder,we show a table with some of the Image UI element properties that can be bound,and the attribute type in case the property is bindable.
Some of the Image UI element properties
We create a WD Component, where we can choose among three images and we can manipulate the current image via the data held in the context.The WD component structure is presented.
WD component structure
We import three images in JPG format.As we have mentioned,to import an image into a MIME folder,we have to choose Create Mime Object Import from the contextual menu,shown by right-clicking on the WD component name.
The context node DYNAMIC is Singleton, cardinality 1...1. The attributes WIDTH and HEIGH are STRING type and the attribute BORDER is I type. We use these attributes to manipulate the properties of the Image UI element. For the attributes WIDTH,BORDER and HEIGH, it is defined the data binding to the properties (with the same names) of the UI element Image.
Context structure and data binding
The context node DROPDOWNBYINDEX has the dictionary structure SHSVALSTR2,cardinality 0...n,Singleton.We have defined a data binding between the attribute KEY and the property texts of the dropDownByIndex UI element. The attribute VALUE is used to manipulate the property source of the Image UI element.This property defines the name of the image file shown on the screen.
View Layout structure
To populate with values the context attributes of the context node DROPDOWNBYINDEX, we use the supply function method shown in the Listing.
Supply function method
 METHOD supply_dropdownbyindex.
 ls_image TYPE wd_this->element_drop down by index,lt_image LIKE TABLE OF ls_image.
 ls_image-key ='Germany'.
 ls_image-value ='deutschland.jpg'.
 APPEND ls_image TO lt_image.
 ls_image-key = 'France'.
 ls_image-value ='france.jpg'.
 APPEND ls_image TO lt_image.
 ls_image-key ='Italy'.
 ls_image-value ='italia.jpg'.
 APPEND ls_image TO lt_image.
 new_items =lt_image
 set_initial_elements = abap_true).
Dynamic Programming
Hereunder,we present a table showing the correspondence between the view designer name and the runtime name, with the proper types,in case of dynamic programming of an Image UI element.
The implementation of a dynamic Image UI element contains the following statements:
Dynamic creation of an Image UI element
 data lr_image type ref to cl_wd_image.
 data lr_image type ref to cl_wd_image.
 Ir_image = cl_wd_image=>new_image( id =‘IMG_IMAGE’
 bind_width =‘DYNAMIC.WIDTH’
 bind_height =‘DYNAMIC.HEIGHT’
 bind_border =‘DYNAMIC.BORDER’
This UI element enables us to use several chart types in our WD application.The Internet Graphics Service (IGS) helps us to work with this UI element,being able to show graphics in a browser.
The chart engine is a C++ library that supports chart types, from simple charts (e.g. bars or pie) to complex charts(e.g. gantt).We create a WD Component with the structure presented in Fig. By using the BusinessGraphics UI element,we show the graphical illustration of the data stored in our database table YPERSON.
WD component structure
Context structure
The node person has the dictionary structure YPERSON, cardinality 1...n, Singleton. From this structure,we choose only LASTNAME and AGE. We have used a chart of columns type,to graphically display the data contained by the columns of our database table.
View Layout
By using the supply function, we populate the node PERSON with data from the database table YPERSON. We select all the data from the two columns LASTNAME and AGE.
To perform customizing settings for business graphics, we have to use the SAP Chart Designer. We access this tool by double-clicking on the chart picture, in the view layout. Now,the SAP Chart Designer is open and we can customise our chart.
Chart designer
We save the settings we made; the Framework generates a MIME file in XML format and sets the property customizing of the BusinessGraphics UI element.
Saving the customizing in a XML file
Runtime result
Dynamic Programming
Hereunder,we present a table showing the correspondence between the view designer name and the runtime name, with the proper types,in case of dynamic programming of a BusinessGraphics UI element (Table). For a BusinessGra . The Category object has the CL_WD_CATEGORY runtime class.The Series can be Series,runtime
CL_WD_SERIES or SimpleSeries,runtime class CL_WD_SIMPLE_SERIES
The implementation of a dynamic BusinessGraphics UI element(with a SimpleSeries and a Category)contains the following statements.
Dynamic creation of a BusinessGraphics UI element
 METHOD wddomodifyview.
  DATA lr_flow_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_flow_data.
 DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_uielement_container.
 DATA lr_businessgraphics TYPE REF TO cl_wd_business_graphics.
 DATA lr_category TYPE REF TO cl_wd_category.
 DATA lr_simpleseries TYPE REF TO cl_wd_simple_series.
 IF first_time EQ abap_true.
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER').
 lr_businessgraphics = cl_wd_business_graphics=>new_business_graphics(id = 'BGR'
 chart_type = cl_wd_business_graphics=> e_
 dimension = cl_wd_business_graphics=>e_dimension-two
 height = 300
 width = 300
 bind_series_source = 'PERSON'
 customizing = 'D57PJD6VB3MQAZR78XQHWTMIT.xml'
 lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>
 new_flow_data(element = lr_businessgraphics).
 lr_category ?= cl_wd_category=>new_category(id = 'CATEGORY'
 bind_description = 'PERSON.LASTNAME'
 tooltip ='Candidates last name'
 lr_simpleseries ?=  cl_wd_simple_series=>
 new_simple_series(id ='SIMPLESERIES'
 label ='Candidate Age'
 bind_value ='PERSON.AGE'
 tooltip ='Candidate Age'
 lr_businessgraphics->set_category(the_category = lr_category).
 lr_businessgraphics->add_series(the_series = lr_simpleseries).
The UI elements that contain an action are included in this category.Some of these UI elements we have already used (Button, LinkToAction).
Timed Trigger
This UI element triggers automatically and periodically an event.To specify the periodicity,we have to use its delay property. As we have mentioned above, most of the UI element properties can be bound. Hereunder, we show a table with some of the TimedTrigger properties that can be bound and the attribute type in case the property is bindable
Some of TimedTrigger UI element properties

WD component
At every 5 s, we trigger an event that uses a Function Module to generate a random number under 1,000.In context view, we create a node named COUNTER,cardinality 1...1,Singleton that has an attribute COUNTER_TT of i type.
View layout
We have used an action named TRIGGER to specify the action to be triggered after the specified delay 5.
 METHOD onactiontrigger.
 DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
 DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this-&gt;element_counter.
 DATA lv_step TYPE i.
 lr_node = wd_context-&gt;get_child_node('COUNTER').
 range = 1000
 random = lv_step.
 ls_data-counter_tt = lv_step.
The Function Module GENERAL_GET_RANDOM_INT has an import parameter named RANGE of i type and an exporting parameter named RANDOM of i type. This function returns the random value with 0(RANDOM)(RANGE) At runtime.
runtime fig
Dynamic Programming
As we have seen,by using the wdDoModifyView( )Hook method we can dynamically create an UI element. The same properties, events and aggregations as in the View Designer are available. Hereunder,we present a table showing the correspondence between the view designer name and the runtime name, with the proper types,in case of dynamic programming of a TimedTrigger UI element .
Dynamic programming
The implementation of a dynamic TimedTrigger UI element contains the following statements.
 DATA lr_timed_trigger TYPE REF TO cl_wd_timed_trigger.
  lr_timed_trigger = cl_wd_timed_trigger=>
 new_timed_trigger(id ='TIMED_TRIGGER'delay = 5 on_action ='TRIGGER').
We can use this UI element to choose among the various options offered by the menu. Hereunder, we present a list with some of the ButtonChoice properties that can be bound, and the attribute type in case the property is bindable.
Some of the ButtonChoice UI element properties
We create aWDapplication, where we use the ButtonChoice UI element to offer to the end user a menu list with two options: power and divide. To realise these calculations, we have used the methods of the class CL_FOEV_BUILTINS.As we can see in Fig.this class has many calculation methods,from the PLUS method (that performs a simple addition) to functions,in order to obtain the Integer Part or Hyperbola Sinus.
The structure of the POWER method
This method has two importing parameters, named IM_ARG1 and IM_ARG2, and an exporting parameter, named EX_RESULT, of float type. The method DIVIDE has the same parameters.
For this scope, we create our context node named CALCULATE, with the context attributes ARG1 of f type, ARG2 of f type and RESULT of f type, required to perform the calculations and to holdthe result.The WD component structure and the view context structure are presented.
WD component structure and view context structure
The View layout
In the ButtonChoice UI element, we insert two options: menuactionitem1 and menuactionitem2.For the two created options, we set actions(divide and power), and we use the hotkey property to offer to the end user the capability to press the respective key combination to trigger the associated event handler method.
When the user interacts the first time with the ButtonChoice UI element,an action can be selected,and the Framework triggers the proper event handler method. The last selected action remains on the ButtonChoice UI element after the action has been executed. This behaviour is possible through the property repeat SelectedAction.
Some of the ButtonChoice UI element properties
The Framework triggers the event handler method onactiondivide when the user clicks the respective choice option button or he presses the CTRL_D key combination. Listing shows the coding of this method.
 METHOD onactiondivide.
 DATA lr_oref TYPE REF TO cx_foev_error_in_function.
 DATA ls_calculate TYPE wd_this->element_calculate.
 DATA lv_arg1 LIKE ls_calculate-arg1.
 DATA lv_arg2 LIKE ls_calculate-arg2.
 DATA lv_result LIKE ls_calculate-result.
 wd_this->attribute_get(IMPORTING p_arg1 = lv_arg1
 p_arg2 = lv_arg2).
 cl_foev_builtins=>divide(EXPORTING im_arg1 = lv_arg1
 im_arg2 = lv_arg2
 IMPORTING ex_result = lv_result).
 CATCH cx_foev_error_in_function INTO lr_oref.
 wd_this->attribute_set(EXPORTING p_result = lv_result).
As we can see, to read the context attributes ATR1 and ATR2, we use the user defined method named ATTRIBUTE_GET that has two exporting parameters.
To pass the result of the division calculation into the context attribute RESULT, we have used the user defined method ATTRIBUTE_SET that has an importing parameter
User defined method required to read the context attributes
User defined method required to populate the RESULT attribute
Runtime for the Divide operation
To rise to power a number (number1 risen to number2), the Framework triggers the event handler method onactionpower (Listing).
 METHOD onactionpower.
 cl_foev_builtins=power(EXPORTING im_arg1 =
 lv_arg1 im_arg2 = lv_arg2   IMPORTING ex_result = lv_result).
 CATCH cx_foev_error_in_function INTO lr_oref.
We have used the static method POWER, of the calculation class CL_FOEV_BUILTINS, to perform the number1 risen to number2 operation.To read the context attributes ATR1 and ATR2, we call the same user defined method ATTRIBUTE_ GET; to pass the calculation result, we call the method ATTRIBUTE_SET. In this example, we have caught errors that can occur, but we didn’t display their message to the user. The way we can use try. . . endtry, the way we can raise, catch and display exceptions will be detailed described.
Dynamic Programming
Hereunder,we present a table showing the correspondence between the view designer name and the runtime name, with the proper types,in case of dynamic programming of a ButtonChoice UI element.
Dynamic programming
The implementation of a dynamic ButtonChoice UI element with one mean action item, named DIVIDE, contains the following statements:
 METHOD wddomodifyview.
 DATA lr_button_choice TYPE REF TO cl_wd_button_choice.
 DATA lr_flow_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_flow_data.
 DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_uielement_container.
 DATA lr_menu_action TYPE REF TO cl_wd_menu_action_item.
 IF first_time EQ abap_true.
 lr_container ?= view->get_element('ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER').
 lr_button_choice = cl_wd_button_choice=>
 new_button_choice( id = 'BTN_CHOICE'
 text = 'Choose'
 repeat_selected_action = abap_false
 lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>new_flow_data(element =
 lr_menu_action = cl_wd_menu_action_item=>new_menu_action_item
 text = 'Divide'
 on_action = 'DIVIDE'
 hotkey = cl_wd_menu_action_item=>e_hotkey-ctrl_p
 lr_button_choice->add_choice(the_choice = lr_menu_action).
This category contains UI elements that have selection options. Hereunder,we present some of the UI Elements included in this category.
Drop Down By Key
This UI element provides the end user with a dropdown list from where he can choose only one entry. We create a WD Component named Y_UI_DROPDOWNBYKEY with a view named V_VIEW and a window.
We have many possibilities to populate with values the dropdown list.For example,we can use a Domain defined in the ABAP Dictionary, we can use the wdDoInit Hook method or a supply function method. For our example, we use Y_COUNTRY_DOMAIN, domain that holds all the names of EU member states.
The View layout is presented in fig
As we have mentioned above, most of the UI element properties can be bound. Hereunder, we present a table with some of the DropDownByKey properties that can be bound, and the attribute type in case the property is bindable.
Some of the DropDownByKey UI element properties
The property selectedKey is mandatory; this means we have to realise data binding at this attribute. The context structure is presented.
Context structure
We have a context node with the cardinality 1. . .1 Singleton that has two attributes. The KEY attribute is of Y_DEFORDOMAIN type,defined in the ABAP Dictionary, and the RESULT attribute is of string type. We define a data binding between the KEY attribute and the selectedKey property of the DropDownByKey.
Data binding
If the selectedKey property of the DropDownByKey UI Element is bound to this attribute,the values stored in the attribute KEY are displayed in the selection list.
We use the attribute RESULT to show, in the textView UI Element,the capital of the first two EU countries,from the dropdown list. After the user chooses a value,the Framework triggers the event handler method onactionselect_country.
the event handler method
 METHOD onactionselect_country.
 DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
 DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this-element_dropdownbykey.
 DATA lv_value TYPE string.
 lr_node = wd_context-get_child_node('DROPDOWNBYKEY').
 lr_node-get_attribute(EXPORTING name ='KEY'IMPORTING value = lv_value).
 CASE lv_value.
 ls_data-result ='Vienna'.
 ls_data-result ='Brussels'.
 ls_data-result ='Unknown'.
Dynamic Programming
Hereunder,we present a table showing the correspondence between the view designer name and the runtime name, with the proper types,in case of dynamic programming of a DropDownByKey UI element.
Dynamic programming
The implementation of a dynamic DropDownByKey UI element contains the following statements.
Dynamic creation of a Drop Down By Key UI element
 DATA lr_dropdown_by_key TYPE REF TO cl_wd_dropdown_by_key.
 DATA lv_bind_attribute TYPE string.
 lv_bind_attribute = 'DROPDOWNBYKEY.KEY'.
 lr_dropdown_by_key =cl_wd_dropdown_by_key=
 new_dropdown_by_key(id ='DDK'bind_selected_key =
 lv_bind_attribute text_direction = 
cl_wd_dropdown_by_key=e_text_direction-ltr on_select = 'SELECT_COUNTRY').
Drop Down By Index
This UI element provides the end user with a dropdown list from where he can choose only one entry. This UI element doesn’t differ from the DropDownByKey when displayed on the screen, the implementation being the only difference. We create the same WD Component; in this case, we use a dropDownByIndex UI element instead of the dropDownByKey.In Fig. we show the context structure.In this case, we use a context node with the dictionary structure SHSVALSTR2, cardinality 0...n, Singleton.
Context structure
View Layout
Here under,we present a table with some of the DropDownByIndex properties that can be bound,and the attribute type in case the property is bindable.
Some of DropDownByIndex UI element properties
As we can see,the texts property is mandatory. If this property of the drop- DownByIndex UI Element is bound to the VALUE attribute, the values stored in this attribute are displayed in the selection list. Listing shows how we can populate the dropdown list with values via a supply function method.
Supply function method
 METHOD supply_dropdownbyindex.
 ls_country TYPE if_v_view=element_dropdownbyindex,
 lt_country LIKE TABLE OF ls_country.
 ls_country-value ='Austria'.
 ls_country-key ='Vienna'.
 APPEND ls_country TO lt_country.
 ls_country-value ='Belgium'.
 ls_country-key ='Brussels'.
 APPEND ls_country TO lt_country.
 node-bind_table(new_items = lt_country set_initial_elements = abap_true).
Dynamic Programming
Hereunder,we present a table showing the correspondence between the view designer name and the runtime name,with the proper types,in case of dynamic programming of a DropDownByIndex UI element.
Dynamic programming
The implementation of a dynamic DropDownByIndex UI element
 DATA lr_dropdown_by_index TYPE REF TO cl_wd_dropdown_by_idx.
 DATA lv_bind_attribute TYPE string.
 lv_bind_attribute ='DROPDOWNBYINDEX.VALUE'.
 lr_dropdown_by_index = cl_wd_dropdown_by_idx=new_dropdown_by_idx
(id = 'DDI'bind_texts = lv_bind_attribute text_direction = cl_wd.
Radio Button Group By Index
This UI Element includes some RadioButtons,allowing the user to select only one value. Similar to the DropDown lists,we have here RadioButtons grouped by key and by index. Indifferent of the type,they don’t differ when they are displayed on the screen,but only in the implementation part.
We create the same WD Component as for the DropDownByIndex UI element;in this case,we change the DropDownByIndex UI element withthe RadioButton- GroupByIndex.The view context has the same structure. We create a context node named RADIOBUTTONGROUP_I with the dictionary structure SHSVALSTR2, cardinality 0. . .n, Singleton.
Hereunder, we present a table with some of the RadioButtonGroupByIndex properties that can be bound, and the attribute type in case the property is bindable.
Some of the RadioButtonGroupByIndex UI element properties
View Layout
We define the same data binding between the VALUE attribute and the texts property of the RadioButtonGroupByIndex. If this property of the RadioButton- GroupByIndex UI Element is bound to the VALUE attribute, the values stored in this attribute are displayed in columns and rows.
To specify the number of columns in which the RadioButtonGroup elements are grouped, we can use the property colCount. In our case, we have set “2”.This property can be personalised by an administrator.Listing  shows how we can populate the RadioButtons with values via a supply function method (the same method as for the DropDownByIndex lists).
Supply function method
 METHOD supply_radiobutton_i.
 ls_country TYPE wd_this-element_radiobuttongroup_i,
 lt_country LIKE TABLE OF ls_country.
 ls_country-value = 'Austria'.
 ls_country-key = 'Vienna'.
 APPEND ls_country TO lt_country.
 ls_country-value = 'Belgium'.
 ls_country-key = 'Brussels'.
 APPEND ls_country TO lt_country.
 node-bind_table( new_items = lt_country set_initial_elements = abap_true).
For the RadioButtonGroupByKey UI element, we have the same concept as described for the DropDownByKey.
Dynamic Programming
Hereunder, we present a table showing the correspondence between the view designer name and the runtime name, with the proper types,in case of dynamic programming of a RadioButtonGroupByIndex UI element.
Dynamic programming
The implementation of a dynamic RadioButtonGroupByIndex UI element contains the following statements:
Dynamic creation of a RadioButtonGroupByIndex UI element
 DATA lr_radiobutton_group_by_index TYPE REF TO
 DATA lv_bind_attribute TYPE string.
 lv_bind_attribute ='RADIOBUTTONGROUP_I.VALUE'.
 lr_radiobutton_group_by_index =
 id = 'RDB_INDEX'
 bind_texts = lv_bind_attribute
 col_count = 2
 on_select = 'SHOW’). 
User Interface Elements (UI elements) Static and Dynamic Programming-part 2 
User Interface Elements (UI elements) Static and Dynamic Programming-part 2 
User Interface Elements (UI elements) Static and Dynamic Programming-part-3

Messages, Exceptions and Web Dynpro ABAP

Writing Multilanguage Applications 


ALV and Select Options 

Integrating a Web Dynpro Application into the SAP NetWeaver Portal

Web Dynpro and Authorization

Web Dynpro Mind Map

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