Web Dynpro and Authorization
on the RBAC (Role Based Access Control) pattern,we are going to present
the SAP R/3 role based authorization mode. According to it, a user can
dispose of a number of roles,which grants to him/her the authorization
to access certain resources from the system. In this respect,we will
create the development objects required to grant to the user the
possibility to access the records from a database, and we will use,in
Web Dynpro ABAP, the declaration AUTHORITYCHECK to verify the current
user’s authorization.
standalone Web Dynpro applications, being not integrated in the
portal,the security shall be programmed into the application. For the
applications that run into the Portal,we can use the Portal security to
authenticate and authorize the access to the application.
way we can do this depends on specific situations.For example,we can
define in the portal the authorization for the content we offer to the
user,but we cannot define the authorization for the backend application
This kind of authorization shall be done in back-end, through development objects
as authorization fields,authorization object,etc.To check which functions can be executed by the user or which objects can be accessed by him,in backend,through a Web Dynpro application, we can use statements as AUTHORITY-CHECK.These statements are implemented at the program level in our application or into the model used for our application.
as authorization fields,authorization object,etc.To check which functions can be executed by the user or which objects can be accessed by him,in backend,through a Web Dynpro application, we can use statements as AUTHORITY-CHECK.These statements are implemented at the program level in our application or into the model used for our application.
create a very simple example to show how we can use an Authorization
Object into a Web Dynpro component to check the authorization of the
current user and to grant access to the Open SQL delete action for our
database table YPERSON.
use a user administrator and a profile administrator to create the
object class,the authorization object and the role,and to assign the
created role to our test user Gellert.By using our test user, we create
the Web Dynpro component and we check his right to perform the desired
delete action.
The relationship user – roles – permissions, for our example
Authorization Object is used to check a user authorization for special
activities.Usually,the authorizations are combined into authorization
profiles,and these profiles are assigned with a role.Then, a role
(single or composite) can be assigned to users, and all the
authorization changes affect all the users that have assigned the
respective role.
scope of the present chapter is to offer to the reader a general idea
about the authorization concept SAP R/3 and about the modality of using
this concept to create secure Web Dynpro applications.This is the reason
why we chose an example where we could create all the required
development elements, even if in practice this requirement appears only
offers a large range of authorization objects and templates that we can
use and customize according to our requirements.In most cases,to grant
access to the tables, we use authorization groups(extended authorization
for particular objects)and authorization objects, as:
We have already used an authorization group in Chap.11, where we have created table maintenance. In that example, we chose from the authorization group list “&NC&”(no security) and we saw that the authorization object has been predefined as S_TABU_DIS.
We have already used an authorization group in Chap.11, where we have created table maintenance. In that example, we chose from the authorization group list “&NC&”(no security) and we saw that the authorization object has been predefined as S_TABU_DIS.
We can assign an authorization object,through the menu Utilities --> Assign Authorization Group,to a view and to a transparent table created in the ABAP Dictionary.
in our case we offer the capability to delete certain records from the
YPERSON table by only one user, the usage of the authorization group has
no meaning. Another reason for using the authorization groups in the
example was to put forward the basic elements, without entering in the
private objects field and,in the same time, to present the authorization
field ACTVT we shall meet often during.
working with Web Dynpro applications,when we check the authorization for different activities,with tables.
Pattern that stays at the basis of the presented concept is the Role
Based Access Control pattern,an access control model currently used to
develop secure systems.
pattern was firstly formalised by Ferraiolo and Kuhn, in 1992 (the 15th
National Computer Security Conference,1992, Baltimore MD, pages
554–563), in a form that allows the users to access the resources by
using roles and permissions, and where the roles can inherit permissions
from other roles.
forms of Role Based Access Control have been created and implemented in
a variety of commercial systems. Hereunder,we present a extended form
of the RBAC pattern.
Pattern Name: Role based access control.
Context:Any environment where we need to control the access to resources based on the user’s roles.
How we can assign rights to users in concordance with their roles,so
that each user to have only the authorization required to carry out his
Solution: It is presented a classmodel for the Role Based Access Control
The role based access control pattern Schumacher et al.(2006)
will explain this concept as regards to the Application Server ABAP.
The Class User represents the user that attempts to access the protected
object (transactions, programs, services),and the Role class represents
the user roles.A role can be a single role or a composite role. The
composite role can contain only single roles, and the single role can
contain,for example,the logon menu for the user and authorization
objects.SAP offers a large number of single roles to be used, but we can
also create our own ones. Class Right describes the access type(delete,
write, etc.).
user can be member of a group or more.Through the Session class,it is
implemented the principle of “least privilege”, according to which a
user gets,through every session, only the privileges required to perform
his responsibilities.
our example presented in Fig.the profile administrator creates a single
role ZTEST_ROLE,assigns to it the authorization object
ZTEST_AUTH,maintains the fields and generates the authorization profile.
Our test user, Gellert, tries to perform a delete operation in the
YPERSON database,but he doesn’t have assigned the ZTEST_ROLE yet.
why he doesn’t have the authorization to perform this operation.Only
after the user administrator assigns him the role, he can perform the
delete operation for the database records found in the range 004–100.
So,we have the separation between the role administrator and the right
administrator. Besides this basic division, there are other different
scenarios that can be used.
Applications: J2EE, SAP NetWeaver, Oracle, etc.
or more Authorization Objects shall be assigned to a Class. To create a
new class,we can use,from the screen “Maintain Authorization Objects”(transaction SU21),the CREATE button.
Creating an object class
creating the class, we can create an Authorization Object directly in
the created class or we can firstly create an Authorization Object and
then assigning the Object to the created class.
Creating an authorization object
Assigning an Authorization Object to a class
Authorization Object can contain maximum ten authorization fields.These
fields can be chosen from the list of the existent
ones(activities,actions, etc.) or we can create our own authorization
fields.The structure of the Authorization Object named ZTEST_AUTH.
Defining the authorization field
have chosen to add a field named ACTVT, because we need to check an
activity.The possible activities that can be protected are stored in the
table TACT that has a 1:CN key relation with the table TACTZ and a txt
relationship with the table TACTT.In the table TACTT,there are stored
the activities descriptions,and in the table TACTZ there are stored the
valid activities for each authorization object.
TACT and some of its related tables
Table TACT
Actions from the TACT table
From the “Create authorization Object” screen,we can use the button “Field Maintenance” or we can use the SU20 transaction to navigate to the list of the authorization fields.
List of authorization fields
Authorization field
save the new created Field and go back to our Authorization Object.
Here,we insert the ZAF_PERSON and,by using the “Permitted activities”
from the end of the screen, we select the Delete activity from the
activity list.In case we want to re-use this authorization object in the
future,we can tick more activities, and we use for our request only the
delete activity
Defining the activities
After creating the Authorization Object, we create a new single role by using the transaction PFCG.
Creating a new role
this,we change the authorization data for the new created role.To
realize it, we use the “Authorizations” tab,the “Maintain Authorization
Data and Generate Profiles” area,and the “Change Authorization Data”
button. By using the “Menu” tab,we can define fragments from the user
menu that can be seen in SAP Easy Access. Because our authorization
doesn’t require new transactions or other objects, we don’t use this
tab. By using the “User” tab, we can assign users to the role. We will
not use this option,but we will add later the new created role to our
test user.
Changing authorization data for a role
this case, we don’t want to use a Template to generate an authorization
profile.This is the reason why we choose, from the pup-up window,the
button “Do not select templates”.
Choosing the template window
the scope of our example,we manually select our authorization object.We
use the “Manually” Button and enter the name of the Authorization
Object we have just created.
Manual selection of the authorization
After this,we choose the activity found in our list –“DELETE”
Choosing the DELETE activity
Then,we choose the range of IDs where the specified DELETE action is enabled to be performed.
Full authorization for IDs
generate the authorization profile by using the Generate button .As a
result, we can see our profile that offers the authorization to delete
data from the database table YPERSON – records from 004 to 100.Creating
Generating the profile
Then, we create a WD component named Y_AUTHORIZATION.The component structure is presented.
WD component structure
using this WD component, we can search for a record in the database
table YPERSON and we can delete a record in case the authorization
enabled us to perform the desired activity. The view layout and view
context structure are presented.
Checking the Authorization of the Current User
When the user presses the Delete button, the Framework triggers the event handler method onactiondelete.
Context structure and view layout
The onactiondelete event handler method
METHOD onactiondelete. DATA: lt_candidate TYPE TABLE OF yperson, lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node, lv_id_person TYPE yidi. DATA lr_api_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller. DATA lr_message_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager. lr_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ). lr_message_manager = lr_api_controller->get_message_manager( ). lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node('DELETE'). lr_node->get_attribute(EXPORTING name = 'ID_PERSON' IMPORTING value = lv_id_person). AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT 'ZTEST_AUTH' ID'ACTVT' FIELD '06' ID'ZAF_PERSON' FIELD lv_id_person. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. DELETE FROM yperson WHERE id_person = lv_id_person. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. lr_message_manager->report_t100_message( msgid = 'YCL_T100_MSG' msgno = '004' msgty = 'S'). ENDIF. ELSE. lr_message_manager->report_t100_message( msgid ='YCL_T100_MSG' msgno ='003' msgty ='E' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
As we can see,we have implemented an authorization check before performing the delete action.
ID ‘ZAF_PERSON’ FIELD lv_id_person. In this way, we check the authorization of the current user.
ID ‘ZAF_PERSON’ FIELD lv_id_person. In this way, we check the authorization of the current user.
can have minimum one and maximum ten authorization fields with
specified IDs. In this case,we have the ACTVT and our own created
authorization field ZAF_PERSON. For each authorization field, we can
specify a value to be checked or we can use the additional DUMMY to
avoid checking the respective field.
check is successful only if all the conditions are fulfilled: the field
ACTVT (Activity) with the permissible value 06 (Delete) AND the field
“ZAF_PERSON” whose permissible value is one of the IDs from 004 to
100.If the check is successful,the sy-subrc = 0;otherwise, it is set to a
value not equal with 0:
4 – Authorization check not successful.
12 – No authorization was found for the authorization object.
24 – Incorrect authorization fields or an incorrect number of authorization fields was found.
12 – No authorization was found for the authorization object.
24 – Incorrect authorization fields or an incorrect number of authorization fields was found.
the Message Class YCL_T100_MSG, we have defined two messages with the
IDs 003 and 004,required to show the success message,or the error
message in case the action is not allowed. We have created a role
ZTEST_ROLE, but we haven’t assigned it to our user.
is the reason why, at runtime, we are not allowed to delete the record
with the ID “004”. Figure shows the User Interface at runtime.
case we don’t have a certain authorization, as developer for fulfilling
the required tasks,we can use the transaction SU53 to find what
authorization is missing and to inform the administrator about it.After
receiving an exception message caused by a failed authorization,we have
to use the specified transaction and to make a screenshot for the
administrator.For example,if we try to use the transaction SE11 and we
don’t have the proper authorization, in the transaction SU53 we will see the object class, the authorization object and the authorization field we need.The transaction ST01 offers the possibility to create a system trace to find the missing authorization objects.
The missing authorization check
Assigning the User-Role and Running the Application
be able to perform the delete action, we have to assign the created
role to the user that needs to perform this action (In our case, the
test user Gellert). By using thetransaction SU01, we have the
possibility to change user master records (e.g. change,lock or
unlock,change this password),to delete user master records or to create a
new user (directly or by copying an existing one).
User maintenance
In the tab “Roles”, we can assign our created role ZTEST_ROLE to the test user.
Assigning the role “ZTEST_ROLE” to our test user
run again our Web Dynpro application.The authorization rights become
effective and our test user can perform the delete action for the
records 004–100 from the database table YPERSON.
The user is allowed to delete data
case we are trying to delete a record not included in the range
004–100,we get the same “Not Authorized” message.In this case, the
authorization check is performed and the system compares the values
entered by the administrator in the authorization profile with the
values required by the program.As a result,the check is not successful
and he is not allowed to perform this task.
Deleting a record not included in the range 004–100
Other authorization objects, which we often check,are:
S_TCODE – to check the authorization to run a transaction
S_PROGRAM – to check the authorization to run a program
S_RFC – to check the authorization to run a RFC
S_TABU_DIS – for table maintenance
S_TCODE – to check the authorization to run a transaction
S_PROGRAM – to check the authorization to run a program
S_RFC – to check the authorization to run a RFC
S_TABU_DIS – for table maintenance
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